Purition Plays It Straight Down The Line With ‘Real Food’ Protein Shakes That Contain No Synthetic Short-Cut Ingredients

Purition is a range of low-carb, wholefood protein shakes, that provides quick, convenient access to good nutrition when time is in short supply; an easy-to-use and reassuringly straight-talking alternative to the droves of swaggering, (dare we say disingenuous) protein shakes made with all-manner of ultra-palatable, blends refined ingredients, gums, thickeners, sweeteners, flavourings and synthetic vitamins/minerals….

The Covid pandemic has sparked a real appetite for healthier eating as growing numbers of consumers are becoming increasingly conscious of the irrefutable connection between becoming overweight as one gets older and associated health implications (type 2 diabetes, coronary disease, strokes …).

More than ever consumers are re-evaluating how best to use good nutrition to maximise their personal wellbeing whilst supporting increasingly healthy lifestyle ambitions (personal fitness goals…) by adopting those brands that offer common sense ingredient integrity and meaningful nutritional benefits in easily accessible, straightforward formats.

‘We have a zero tolerance to synthetically enhanced recipes concludes,’ Purition co-founder, Edward Taylor, ‘which helps explain why our range is made simply from seven freshly chopped or ground wholefoods, including almonds, pumpkin seeds, British-grown chia, sesame seeds and Golden linseed, which is combined with either a whey-based (original) or a plant-based protein (pea, pumpkin, hemp & sunflower).

The uncomfortable truth is that too many food formulators obsess about taste being king which can lead to the unwitting deployment of artificial sweeteners, flavourings or refined sugar, which is neither in the customer’s interests or aligned with Purition’s bigger vision. Purition opts instead to focus on those flavours (Pistachio, Coconut, Blackcurrant, Banana…) or flavour marriages (Coffee & Walnut, Mixed Berry, Macadamia & Vanilla, Beetroot & Chocolate, Chai Latte….) that create the naturally delicious offerings their consumers adore.

‘Essentially,’ Edward concludes, ‘Purition isn’t an artificially enhanced milkshake, so if that’s what you’re seeking out its probably best to look elsewhere. If on the other hand you’re looking for a healthy, nutritious meal in a glass that’s ready in 30 seconds and will keep you satisfied for hours, we suspect that Purition might well be what you’ve been missing in your life.’


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Championing ambitious start-ups & boot-strapped challenger brands since 2004

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