Your Health & Lifestyle Wellbeing Magazine

Tag: exercise

  • The Gamification of Exercise

    The Gamification of Exercise

    Wellbeing can often be framed positively, with influencers and coaches encouraging you to ‘drink more water’ or ‘walk instead of driving to work’. Sadly, wellbeing is more than often framed negatively.

  • Creating Optimal Health!

    Creating Optimal Health!

    Just what is optimal health? Is it merely the absence of disease, or does it go deeper? Rene Dubos, an American microbiologist, in 1927 described health as: “A measure of each person’s ability to do and become what he wants to become.” In 1948, the World Health Organisation (WHO) took this idea further and defined…

  • Gratitude Practice – Exercise Your Demons

    Gratitude Practice – Exercise Your Demons

    How do you feel about exercise? Do you find it easy to be motivated and disciplined to be regularly active? At school, I was the odd one one out – I lived for P.E. I remember being diagnosed with a knee condition and being the only girl sat on the bench crying because I COULDN’T…

  • Bored of my exercise routine

    Bored of my exercise routine

    Want to get fit but have no motivation? Why not take up pole dancing, learn the art burlesque or the cheekiness of Can-Can.  So if you are bored of your usual exercise routine you might like to try one of these… Pole dancing classes are perfect for toning and strengthening your upper body. You will see…