Gratitude Practice – Exercise Your Demons

Sarit Gafan

Sarit Gafan

How do you feel about exercise? Do you find it easy to be motivated and disciplined to be regularly active? At school, I was the odd one one out – I lived for P.E. I remember being diagnosed with a knee condition and being the only girl sat on the bench crying because I COULDN’T join in. As the years have gone by, the belief that exercise is a must for health has remained constant for me, but the motivation and discipline to maintain an exercise routine of significant intensity has not.

Mindset Shift

Over the years, I’ve found myself wading through different activity related mindsets. On the one hand, I’ve found it harder to join netball teams or stick to regular classes, however, having reached the……tender age of 41, I’m older wiser, and OK with it. I’m realising now that as I grow more comfortable in my own skin, I find different forms of exercise satisfying, and a regular routine isn’t necessarily what serves me best. For this understanding, I am deeply grateful as it makes exercise and life in general far more enjoyable. It’s no longer a case of “How does my life look compared to everyone else?”, but instead, “My way is the best way.” If only someone would have whispered that into my ear when I was going through depression – but that’s another story…..

Breaking Down Barriers

There is a whole sweetshop of barriers to exercise for us to choose from. Distance, time, family commitments, confidence and perceived difficulty are just a few. Even if we’re lucky enough to clear the first two by having a gym or centre on our doorstep and the freedom to pop off at our leisure, it still takes a magical blend of positive forces to break down the others. For years I found it extremely difficult to be in a gym environment without comparing myself to the ‘slimmest, prettiest, most graceful’ girls. It was Lycra hell. And it didn’t stop there. In exercise classes my inner critic would blare out judgements about every little thing, right left and centre – my co-ordination, sweating, appearance, speed, outfit, you name it, it wasn’t good enough. Dealing with all that takes energy, and not the kind that builds great abs. I am so grateful that the loudest voice I hear when I exercise these days, tells me that I am honouring my body and I am doing really well. Of course I have my off days, but compared to those from my past, they’re a walk in the flower-filled park.

Going With Your Own Flow

I have discovered that for me, allowing myself to roam free and explore which exercise forms, times, days and disciplines work for me makes it much easier to create a happy flow. Letting go of the inner voice that decrees the need to ‘play hard’ and stick to a strict regime was the best gift I could have given myself. It was an act of self-love, and one that is bringing me more happiness, and yes, fitness!

Your body is a highly complex entity, and completely unique, so I invite you to let go of any old exercise scripts you might be reading from and find what works for YOU, then just flow with it. Above all else, it’s much more fun!

Enjoy exploring exercise that puts a smile on your face and respect into every cell of your body.

With Gratitude

Written by Sarit Gafan 09/05/2018

About Author /

In 2006 I embarked on an incredible journey by founding Wellbeing Magazine. This magazine is not just a publication—it's a purpose-driven platform. It's been my mission to empower individuals with knowledge about holistic wellness, encouraging them to make mindful choices for themselves and the world around them.

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