Your Health & Lifestyle Wellbeing Magazine

Tag: homeopathy

  • Psychic Excavation and Pendulum Swing

    Psychic Excavation and Pendulum Swing

    Homeopathy entails psychic excavation. Once a client “graduates” from an effective remedy it is usually evident that an “onion skin” remedy-state layer has been peeled away.

  • Homeopathy for Eczema

    Homeopathy for Eczema

    Formulated 200 hundred years ago by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann, homeopathy is a safe, gentle and natural system of medicine which stimulates the human body’s natural tendencies to heal itself. Today, over 500 million people worldwide use homeopathic treatments on a regular basis.  Although homeopathy has an impressive track record in treating a wide…

  • Homeopathy and flower essences

    Homeopathy and flower essences

    Flowerful Remedies Madeline Landauer, homeopath and flower essence practitioner with The Human Touch project in Shoreham-by-Sea, shares some of the health changes possible with these modalities. “Homeopathy, which goes back hundreds of years, is a system of energy healing based on addressing symptoms naturally. By gathering a holistic picture through conversation with a person and…

  • Improve your health in a natural way

    Improve your health in a natural way

    Many people accept ill health as normal, the onset of which is often a gradual process. Do you start the day with a good cough and not think twice about it? There are many conditions that people accept without question – aches, pains, low energy, period problems, constipation, PMT, hot flushes, insomnia, menopausal problems, itchy…