Homeopathy and flower essences
Flowerful Remedies
Madeline Landauer, homeopath and flower essence practitioner with The Human Touch project in Shoreham-by-Sea, shares some of the health changes possible with these modalities.
“Homeopathy, which goes back hundreds of years, is a system of energy healing based on addressing symptoms naturally. By gathering a holistic picture through conversation with a person and matching that to the corresponding remedy, we create a resonance that re-awakens the individual’s inner transformative powers. In acute cases we only need to address a very current situation; for example if you were to fall down and bruise your knee, Arnica tablets or cream may help you to quickly recover both physically and emotionally.
Often however we are looking at deeper, more chronic issues. So if you’ve had, say, fatigue or PMS or headaches long-term we would take the time to understand on all levels where the imbalance originates. For earache we might give Pulsatilla, Belladonna or Chamomilla tablets, deciding the appropriate remedy once we know all the pertinent details. The homeopathic consultation is a lovely, gentle exchange that promotes self-awareness.
Made from natural substances, sunshine and water, flower essences may be considered as connecting with us on an emotional level. They are like friends that support us to find our confidence, cheer us up or release stress. That process allows the body and mind to heal. There are many different ranges of flower essences out there these days offering us an amazing array of options to choose from. A Bach flower I often use is Walnut for any life changes we are going though. Another of my favourites is Alpine Mint Bush from the Australian essences which is wonderful for carers and others who feel worn out and seek to re-energise. Past traumas can eventually melt away when we work with these remedies.
We don’t necessarily want to wait until we feel poorly either. Flower essences and homeopathy can play a part in building up our strength and immune function. They remind us to be open to happiness and wonder. Along with healthy eating, plenty of positive activity in our daily lives, getting out and about and other ways of taking care of ourselves, you’ll discover that homeopathy is of great benefit to staying well and wise in these challenging times.”
The Human Touch project aims to provide the best environment for their clients. Currently that best space is found in the private practice spaces of their practitioner team. Visits to a client’s own home are also available. For further information, to book an appointment, or to purchase gift vouchers please contact Mary on 07796 518667 or visit thehumantouchshoreham.com or facebook.com/thehumantouch1
Madeline Landauer