Your Health & Lifestyle Wellbeing Magazine

Tag: weight management

  • How sleep affects our weight

    How sleep affects our weight

    Did you know that lack of sleep can cause you to put on weight? Shocking thought isn’t it? Who’d have thought that counting sheep is as important as watching what you eat, or repetitions at the gym? Although physical activity and a balanced diet are key factors in health and weight loss, if you’re not…

  • Weight management product back by science

    Weight management product back by science

    SLIMBIOME®:AN AWARD-WINNING WEIGHT MANAGEMENT PRODUCT BACKED BY SCIENCE AND WHICH HELPS CURB FOOD CRAVINGS Sounds like Christmas has come early! – Anyone who has tried (and failed) to lose weight will know that it is no mean feat. The deprivation associated with restrictive diets can lead to a diet-overeat or diet-binge cycle and since your…