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Federation of Holistic Therapists calendar of events 2020

The Federation of Holistic Therapists 2020 events

Here are some dates for your diaries – the Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT) Eastbourne & South Downs Local Support Group, calendar of events for 2020.

Our meetings take place at The Friends Meeting House, 17 Wish Road, Eastbourne, BN21 4NX

Monday 3rd February
The Dorn Method with Elke Schneider-Symons

Everyone strains, more or less, their joints on a daily basis. Unnatural repetitive postures can cause misalignments in the body if ligaments and muscles are not trained and able to withstand the strain. Sitting cross-legged or kneeling affects quite often the length of legs; carrying shopping bags on one side affects the balance of the hip; a whiplash affects the cervical vertebras. Irregularities end up in muscle tension and a nagging pain and if not corrected leads to other health problems. Dorn Method is a safe and gentle way to correct alignment where the client moves the joint while the therapist slides the joint into its natural position. The therapy ends with a nourishing Breuss Spinal massage and self-help exercises for long term maintenance.

Monday 2nd March
The Balance Procedure with Yvonne Zackim

So why is being in balance so important? When our bodies are balanced both physically and emotionally dis-ease can be healed and we are able to create the life we want rather than the life we don’t want.The Balance Procedure activates the Language of the Universe with nine symbol cards each representing a geometric symbol, affirmation, colour, number, zodiac, gemstone, element, planet, chakra, and physical aspect and how when all is ‘Balanced’, it is the key to the unconscious mind. TBP is an energy technique that does not require an understanding of theory or precise disciplines but is learnt through practice. Knowing how it works is not as important as doing it. Rather than using the rational, intellectual level of consciousness, it requires the development of flexibility and expansion of consciousness. It is not the procedure itself that brings about the results, they are merely catalysts, it is the life force working inside each person that brings about the transformation.

Monday 6th April
Hot Stone Fusion for Chronic Migraine Sufferers with Jing Advanced Massage Therapy

Neck and shoulder pain, including chronic migraines, is one of the most common conditions in the UK. Come along and see how neck and shoulder pain can be treated with simple and effective Hot Stone Moves. This will incorporate advanced massage techniques including trigger point, fascial work, stretching and soft tissue release. Appropriate for all levels **(bring towels + oil please).

Please also let Pam or Jane know if you wish to attend with your couch as numbers will be limited.

Monday 11th May
St Wilfreds Complementary Therapists Volunteers with Anna Kent

Anna Kent runs St Wilfreds Complementary Therapist Volunteers, and is coming along to tell us a bit more about the role of a Volunteer and the benefits to the patients. If you are thinking of volunteering, then come along and ask any questions you may have.

Monday 1st June
Feng Shui with Susie Shaw

Monday 6th July
Garden Therapy with Jennie Starr

In Britain we are often considered to be a nation of gardeners and we have some of the most interesting, beautiful and varied gardens in the world. Many people describe how they feel that their life is enhanced by their experiences in a park or garden. Using my background as a clinician and gardener my talk will explore how gardens and gardening can influence our physical and mental well being. There is evidence of a variety of different approaches that have been used to promote health through our relationship with our environment. So whether you want to get your muddy clothes on and get down in the garden or whether you want to enjoy the fruits of someone else’s labour I will give some suggestions as to how we can help ourselves, and others, to enhance the quality of our lives.

Monday 7th September
Yoga dance flow with Na Tayarat

“Free yourself from yourself” Healing with the sound of music to release stress and blocked energy within. This class is designed by Mantana for people who have active minds, are impatient and cannot sit or stand still to do yoga or meditation. This is why music is part of this class. It is an energetic healing process which clears emotional conscious such as stress, anxiety, fear, anger, sadness, tears, disgust, craving, boredom, envy and more. Can also be helpful to clear a busy mind and come to a still place within. Take control of your emotions and go with the flow. This technique is combined with Om chanting, pranayama and meditation. Focus…breathe in… breathe out and move along to the music.

Monday 5th October
Feng Shui with Susan Warner

Monday 2nd November
Chakra Dancing with Julia Karen Richardson

I have been a member of the FHT for 20 years. I am a trained Aromatherapist and Reflexologist (specialising in fertility and maternity). Qualified also in Indian Head Massage & the original LaStone Therapy & Spiritual Healing. My main passion is Homeopathy, and after many years of study was awarded a Licentiate. I am also the student mentor for ‘Southern College Of Homeopathy’ in Tunbridge Wells.

In 1999 I felt it was time to offer people the opportunity to take responsibility for their own health and to explore different approaches to medicine other than those generally being offered. With this in mind I opened The Mews Clinic in the Old Town (The Mews Clinic, 5 Watts Lane, Eastbourne, BN21 1NP) offering complementary health care. As this was one of the first clinics of its kind to be opened in Eastbourne the practice has always been extremely busy.

Homeopathy is controversial and has its share of bad press but it is an amazing form of medicine, gentle yet powerful and works with your body not against it. Homeopathy has over 200 million worldwide users and has been available for over 200 years.

Unbeknown by most it is available on the NHS and our Royal family have used and supported the practice since the 1830’s, also reflecting its long standing presence in our health care system.

I would like to share my journey into Chakra Dancing with you.

Don’t forget that for each meeting you attend you will be able to collect your 2 CPD points. Per calendar year, you need to collect 10 CPD points, and don’t forget that the FHT can contact you at any time to check your CPD points. It is recommended that you attend at least one workshop to top up your points.

The entrance fee for the talks is £7 for FHT members and £8 for non-members, £6 for seniors and students. We are very pleased to be able to bring you the 2020 Calendar of Events and look forward very much to seeing you.

For more information please contact Local FHT Co-ordinators/Ambassadors for Eastbourne & South Downs – Pam Hardy or Jane Long

email: bepamperedtherapy or jane
Mob: 07759 674809 or 07905 116694

FHT Eastbourne & South Downs


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