The food rules to ward off coughs and colds

Changing your diet really can help you to ward off the coughs and colds of the winter season.

Britons took 141 million sick days off work last year according to the Office of National Statistics.

Eating foods that help boost your immunity and the probiotic effect of foods such as yogurt and kefir, make them powerful infection-busters.

Leading nutritionist, Amanda Ursell, has collaborated with supplement specialists BioCare, to develop a new 7 day diet which works to increase both the variety and number of ‘good’ bacteria in your gut. Download it here:

Follow it for one week and she says it will not only give your immunity a boost at this vital time of year, but even help you to feel less bloated and less stressed.

Amanda comments: “This plan can help to lift mood in various ways. It works to keep blood sugar levels steady and stable which is good for evening out energy lows, it also provides a broad range of vitamins and minerals, many of which are vital to feeling good. Iron for instance is vital for red blood cells to carry oxygen. When intakes are consistently poor, which is true for many women in the UK, over time this can lead to exhaustion and low mood.

“Promoting a diverse range of good bacteria, may also help mood by producing metabolites that increase hormone like substances that help us to feel good. Once a healthy gut microbiome is established, then bloating may actually be improved too which is another welcome side-effect of following this diet plan.”

Amanda’s top tips:

  • Up your zinc by eating nuts, seeds and wholegrains

Zinc has antioxidant properties and can help reduce inflammation, which can affect your body’s immune responses.

  • Have yogurt on your breakfast or for desert

A good dollop of plain, natural yogurt every day with some fruit, whether for a fast breakfast or a delicious desert, or some sauerkraut (delicious served with sausages and mustard) can help ward off a cold.

  • Eat more berries

Berries are rich in immune-boosting compounds, and have been shown to have cold-fighting properties, in particular elderberries and blackcurrants.

  • Up your protein

Plant and animal-based protein is what the body needs to build and repair body tissue and fight viral and bacterial infections. Immune system powerhouses such as antibodies and immune system cells rely on protein. Too little protein in the diet may lead to symptoms of weakness, fatigue, apathy, and poor immunity.

  • Add a zing of ginger to your cooking

Ginger is a wonder ingredient that actually contains something called gingerol which has inflammatory properties that has been suggested may be helpful to combating blocked noses and dry throats.  A sprinkle of fresh ginger in your cooking several times a week is like a little insurance against any dreaded winter bugs, and makes meals more exciting too!

Amanda comments: “My diet is made up of a wide variety of vegetables, wholegrains, nuts, seeds and fruits, along with both plant and animal sources of protein and healthy plant oils.

This supports the notion that what you eat can not only affect your immunity, but your mood too.

Amanda continues: “It’s also important to consume prebiotic foods – these are what probiotics feed on and proliferate from – which act like fertiliser for growing your healthy bacteria.”

Prebiotic foods include almost all fruits e.g. apricots, pear, apple, blueberries, pineapple, and vegetables e.g. courgette, cauliflower, onion, carrot, green pepper etc, which all feature in Amanda’s menu.

“For many people following this plan will also lower energy intakes and may lead to weight loss. If you have been struggling with your weight, and end up shifting a few pounds or half a stone or so by eating the meals and snacks suggested, this may help to boost confidence and mood as well.”

And the supplements you should try?

If you struggle to support all the healthy bacteria you need through your diet alone, a good quality live bacteria supplement may help as another easy source of good gut microbes to help give your immunity a boost.

BioCare’s BioAcidophilus range contains the unique LABblend of live bacteria, combining Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium cultures, used in multiple clinical studies and with a proven potency to reach the gut alive.

BioCare Acidophilus RRP £24.44:

Chris Newbold, Head of Nutrition Strategy at BioCare comments: “Modern lifestyles don’t really support our levels of gut bacteria. Toxins in the environment, medicines like antibiotics, stress, poor diet and digestion can all impact their health and diversity. This is where a good quality live bacteria supplement may help as another easy source of good gut microbes.”

Increase your level of Vitamin D to fend off coughs and colds

We have notoriously low levels of Vitamin D during the winter months which usually leads to a higher risk of infection and us being more susceptible to common coughs and colds. Try a Vitamin D supplement in liquid form for fast absorption and combine with a probiotic as above for a powerful combination to protect your immune system through the harsh winter months.

BioCare BioMulsion D RRP £10.45:

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Our Editorial Team are writers and experts in their field. Their views and opinions may not always be the views of Wellbeing Magazine. If you are under the direction of medical supervision please speak to your doctor or therapist before following the advice and recommnedations in these articles.

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