Water – for health and healing for life!

You’re not sick you’re thirsty!

Remember, we can survive for three weeks without food, though only three days without water, so perhaps we should give water intake more attention?

Myths in medicine

  • A dry mouth is the only sign of dehydration” – The truth is, a dry mouth is the very last sign of dehydration! 
  • Water is a simple liquid” – Water is now recognised a remarkable unique fluid: it is both life-sustaining and health promoting.
  • The body can regulate water needs and intake” – Our perception of thirst is not reliable: as we get older it fails us.
  • Any fluid can replace water” – Most other fluids: tea, coffee, fizzy drinks, alcohol, etc. not only do not replace water but cause loss of water.


  • Every 24 hours the body recycles the equivalent of 40,000 glasses of water!
  • Every day the body becomes short of 6 to 10 glasses of water.
  • We all need about half our weight in ounces of water per day for good hydration.


  • Drink water before eating.
  • Always drink water when thirsty even during a meal.
  • Drink water 2 to 3 hours after a meal.
  • Drink water first thing in the morning to correct for loss during sleep.
  • Drink water before exercising, to prepare for sweating.
  • Drink more water if constipated; 2 to 3 glasses in the morning act as a good laxative.

Your Guide to How Much Water You Need

Your weight in poundsYour weight in KilosIdeal Water Intake fluid oz.Ideal Water Intake litresGlasses of water*
80 to 10035 to 4540 to 501 to 1.55 to 6
100 to 15045 to 7050 to 751.5 to 26 to 9
150 to 20070 to 9075 to 1002 to 39 to 12
200 to 25090 to 115100 to1253 to 3.512 to 15

*Glass of 8 fluid ounces. 


There has been a campaign to stop people using salt that has been so successful that some people have begun to suffer symptoms of salt deficiency problems that can include nervousness, headaches, cramps, sleep problems, or frequent urination. 

Salt is essential for life and our normal health. If you are eating convenience foods, you may be taking a quantity of salt already but this is usually refined salt, sodium chloride.

Natural sea salt contains a vast array of minerals the body needs. Refining removes most of these and leaves just the sodium chloride.

A rough guide for those avoiding most refined salt in their food, is a quarter of a teaspoon of salt for every quart or litre of water drunk. This may be added to your food when you eat.

Water and Tissue Oxygenation

Low tissue oxygenation is found in all diseases, including diabetes, cancers, and viral infections, and also develops slowly with age. We can measure our blood oxygen saturation and it may look good, 98 or 99 but this tells us nothing about our tissue cell oxygenation.

Professor Konstantin Buteyko discovered that he could help many serious illnesses, including some cancers, by training the patient to improve their breathing and thus improve their body oxygenation. However, if the blood circulation is impaired in any area there will still be poor tissue oxygenation there. 

When we drink water that is enriched with active oxygen as in the Kaqun Water, since every cell must absorb and use water for its survival, oxygenation of this tissue is increased regardless of the impaired circulation of blood. 

One of the key regions of every cell in the body that benefits enormously from improved oxygen supply is the energy centre, the mitochondria in each cell. With increased energy availability every cell is better able to develop healthily and combat any damaging infection. The profound beneficial possibilities of this approach that has no adverse side effects are still being discovered. This may transform many therapeutic approaches in the future when more research is done. 

There is an interesting introduction to some of this research in this video.

Ensure your tissue oxygenation is optimal by re-training your breathing as well. Check out the Skype Breath Training Course or make a start with the Free Buteyko Training Podcast

I see this water as an extension of Professor Buteyko’s work. I would strongly advise everyone to begin by optimising your breathing to improve your oxygenation, and supplement this as necessary with the Kaqun water. 

For people with chronic serious diseases, the benefits of both approaches become even more important. Again, I would emphasise that if you have a serious disease you need to do whatever you can to optimise your own health as well as receiving whatever therapy you have been prescribed. “Health defeats Disease” is not an oxymoron.

Kaqun Water is produced in Hungary and is available in the UK and the USA. The Health Group is a supplier in the South East, UK.

Words: Michael Lingard BSc. DO. Cert.Nut.

About Author /

Michael Lingard, a regular contributor to Wellbeing Magazine for the past 18 years. A passionate promoter of real health care and would like to see a paradigm shift in modern medicine; from a disease & pathology based system to a health and ethology based system.

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