What is Brainworking Recursive Therapy?
BWRT® stands for BrainWorking Recursive Therapy® and it’s a new way of working with the mind that gets results every bit as fast as the modern need for an ‘instant fix’ requires!
It’s hard to do justice to it in an article, but something one of the very first therapists to qualify said after using it with a client for the first time pretty much sums it up:
“Omg what a great therapy! just returned from my client with driving phobia, after just one session the feeling had totally gone and the memory had no hold over her at all, she couldn’t believe it as we had been working with other things over last few weeks. We then went for a drive and she had no hint of any anxiety even approaching extremely busy roundabout with added road works. RESULT!!!! Thank you Terence for all your hard work in developing this. (ps I do have to admit I was slightly sceptical before trying it!) – Pippa”
That was in 2013 and since then BWRT has helped literally thousands of people around the world to overcome all manner of fears, phobias and anxieties. Things like fear of flying, anxiety about public speaking, driving on motorways, fear of moths and creepy crawlies (including hairy spiders!), fear of water, birds, or people being ill… all these things and a lot more besides can be resolved quickly and easily. Even deep trauma. And for good, too – it certainly doesn’t ‘wear off’.
Your secret is safe!
One of the things that appeals to a lot of people is that you don’t have to disclose your deepest and darkest secrets to your therapist – in fact you don’t have to tell them any more than you actually want to. All they need to know is what you want to be able to do that you can’t do now. Or what you want to be able to not do, if that’s the problem.
Want to stop worrying? No problem. Want to get rid of that anxious feeling that seems to go everywhere with you? Easy peasy. Want to be able to chat to people without breaking out in a sweat? Consider it done. Those things and many others are all part of a normal day’s work for a BWRT® practitioner.
Before you know it…
It all started in 1983 when a scientist by the name of Benjamin Libet discovered something very odd indeed… that your brain starts to make up its mind over what to do about anything before you know what it’s up to! So by the time you’re aware of it, you’re already doing whatever it is, even if that’s something you’d rather not do at all. Like having a massive panic attack, for example. This is exactly why you can’t just decide to ‘pull yourself together’ or whatever you’ve been taught you ‘should’ do!
Of course, you might now be thinking that you could just change your mind and do something else instead (that’s how some therapies work, actually) but even that decision will have been made before you know it! But then the something else instead might also be something you’d rather not do… And that’s where BWRT® comes in.
Mind the gap
There’s that tiny gap between the brain starting to do something and you becoming aware of it – about half a second in fact – and it’s in that gap that BWRT® does its almost magical work. UK Psychotherapist Terence Watts discovered a neat and highly effective way of changing what the brain was doing in that gap, and from the moment he tested it for the very first time, he knew he was onto something special.
That was in 2013 and there’s now a network of therapists around the world, including the USA, South Africa, Australia, India and Asia as well as the UK; many of them trained by Terence himself. And they are all discovering the same thing – you don’t have to put up with ‘stuff’ you don’t like.
BWRT® can fix it!
To find out more, go to bwrt.org or to find a registered practitioner, visit the registering body, The British BrainWorking Research Society at bbrs.org.uk
©2017, Terence Watts
“From my own personal experience of BWRT I can testify that it works! Towards the end of 2015 I had a BWRT session with Advanced Practitioner Bob Bees who is local to Eastbourne. I wanted to get rid of my lifelong fear of spiders.
Bob explained more about BWRT and how it works, and how the session would be conducted. And just that one session was all that I needed. Some proof in the pudding became evident at the end of last summer, when we had an influx of spiders coming into the house (apparently due to the weather conditions being conducive to breeding) we had 27 large eight legged friends show up in the space of about 5 weeks, and I’m still sane I don’t have any particular desire to pick one up and pet it, though I can now calmly handle collecting one in a glass or my humane spider catcher and place it outside, whereas before I would have freaked, run to an open door, or put on wellie boots, rubber gloves and fetch the vacuum (no joke)! You can read more about my BWRT session here: http://wellbeingmagazine.com/east-sussex/phobias-and-fears-cured-fast-with-brainworking/”
Lesley – publisher
BWRT® sessions can be conducted face to face through Skype so no problem if you’re not that close geographically to Eastbourne. If you’d like to know more please call Bob on 0787 4001911 for a free initial consultation, or email bob@ bwrt.help or
info@ brainworking.org.uk for further information.