Your health can be your wealth
How Your Health can be Your Wealth with Network Marketing
Many top quality ‘health’ products are being manufactured by Network Marketing Companies and sold through Independent Distributors. As an Independent distributor myself I am often asked why this is.
In its most simplistic form network marketing is about recommending and sharing information about a product or service. We naturally recommend things all the time, though rarely get paid for doing this. In Network marketing we do.
Network marketing companies use their entire ‘marketing’ budget to pay their customers to do their marketing for them, since word of mouth is still the best form of marketing. It also generally means that the products are of an exceptionally high quality because the company relies on people putting their own reputation on the line.
However network marketing is far bigger than just promoting and being a product of the product. It is actually about building a network of people, and then leading and inspiring them to work together and support each other so that they may then inspire others to do the same. It is about ‘service’ and ‘leadership’. It is a people’s business, where you can get paid directly for the amount of help and support you give to others, forever.
Network marketing provides a business model for anyone and everyone who has a dream to: achieve more, do more, be more, earn more, create financial freedom or more time freedom. It can be achieved either as a part-time or full-time business. Last year a staggering 475,000 people around the world joined a network marketing company EVERY week! It takes time, courage, grace and grit, though it’s worth it. Combine the business opportunity with a great health product and your ‘health really is your wealth’.
For more information about network marketing please call 07545 227 272. Having been involved with a few different network companies over the years I am happy to share all my experiences.
Helen Prosper