Your Health & Lifestyle Wellbeing Magazine

Tag: bodymind

  • The fundamentals of a healthy life

    The fundamentals of a healthy life

    Health is simple, and complex! The fundamentals of a healthy life are very simple, but we do like to complicate things. If the secret of great health and longevity were that simple how could “Health Care” become a multi billion pound industry? Only when “Health Care” is made complex and too difficult to understand for…

  • The heart rules!

    The heart rules!

    What if following your heart may be the best thing you can do for your physical and mental health? We may think that the effect of our emotions occur only in our brain, however research has shown that the effects go way beyond the brain to the heart and the rest of the body. The…

  • Is your relaxation really relaxing?

    Is your relaxation really relaxing?

    Most of us experience the negative effects of stress on our mental and physical wellbeing – aches and pains, high blood pressure, gut problems, panic attacks, anxiety and depression, all of which in themselves may cause more stress. Relaxation is a way that the body can counteract the effects of stress, in that the body’s…

  • The body-mind connection is profound!

    The body-mind connection is profound!

    “A man is but the product of his thoughts, what he thinks he becomes…” Mahatma Gandhi. There are many quotes from philosophers to suggest that we are what we think and feel. Modern research is showing that these quotes may have some factual basis. Neurotransmitters are the group of chemicals that carry messages between the…

  • Body mind connection

    Body mind connection

    Did you know… that pain is a highly sophisticated and complex protective mechanism of the body, and is actually there to serve you? Pain is defined as an unpleasant feeling in our body that makes us want to stop and change our behaviour. Pain can be triggered, or turned up by anything that tells the…

  • Your body – your lifelong friend!

    Your body – your lifelong friend!

    YOUR BODY – YOUR LIFELONG FRIEND On reading the title what thoughts and feelings sprang up for you? Your relationship with your body is one of the most important relationships you’ll have; after all it is a relationship for life. Like all relationships it changes and evolves, sometimes not in ways to our liking. We…

  • Relief from stress and anxiety

    Relief from stress and anxiety

    Conversations with your body – a series of discussions Do you talk to yourself or have a lot of mind-chatter going on? How much of that talk is berating yourself or your body? Would you ever consider asking your body about the information it’s giving you? Would you ever ask your body what it wants…