5 Ways To Refresh Your Environment & Boost Your Energy

With the end of the year quickly approaching, there has never been a better time to assess your current situation. You may wish to consider goals in your career, finances, family or health — but there is no better place to start than your environment itself.

Your physical environment can include your home, place of work, or even your car. Anywhere in which you spend a significant amount of time — or see on a daily basis — is a great place to start.

Studies show that our physical environment can have a profound effect on our overall wellbeing and even our mental health. Spaces that are clean, hygienic, and clutter-free are more likely to help us stay healthy and inspired. But where do you start?

With our five simple but effective tips below, you can refresh your environment, boost your energy, and even feel healthier in time for the start of a new year or the busy festive period!

1. Clean

A great first step to feel refreshed and enlivened is cleaning. Whether you tackle the cleaning all in one day yourself, room by room across the course of a week, or even by hiring a professional, it is the best way to begin.

Once you have cleaned, and made your space more hygienic and fresh, you may even want to consider how you will keep this up in the future. Perhaps now is a good time to create a cleaning routine or chore list to stick to, for example.

You would be surprised at the difference you can make to the appearance of a room even in just ten minutes a day. You may also notice an improvement in certain health conditions such as respiratory issues and skin complaints that are exacerbated by dust or dirt. Even regular carpet cleaning can contribute to improved health by removing the most common nasties from the home.

2. Declutter

Once your space is clean and fresh, decluttering what you do not need or use is a great next step. Some people also choose to begin with this step, and then clean what is left. The choice is yours!

Start by first considering what you definitely do use or value. Afterwards, discarding what is left should be easier. You can sell, donate, or give away your items, or else recycle things that are no longer fit for use.

Experts and psychologists have noted that clear and uncluttered spaces can contribute to less stress and clearer thinking. If you feel regularly overwhelmed, perhaps decluttering some excess items and possessions could be a great way to start feeling more refreshed.

3. Replace

Are there items in your home or workplace that you just dread using? Perhaps you know that they are slow, ineffective, or prone to malfunction and using them is always time-consuming. It is time to replace them!

Instead of putting up with items that function but cause you to stress with each use, consider donating or getting rid of problematic things and replacing or upgrading them.

Many people do not realise that losing minutes each day on simple tasks or issues add up over time — both in terms of time and stress levels. Save yourself the time and hassle in any way you can by investing in equipment, tools or other items that support the flow of your daily tasks. There may be excellent second-hand options to keep costs down too.

4. Rearrange

An often overlooked tip for feeling refreshed and energised is to rearrange your spaces. This can be as big or as small a job as you like, depending on your time and energy levels, and whether you need anyone else to help you.

Perhaps your desk would benefit from more natural light, for example, or you would like to try a seat or sofa in a different position. Equally, you may simply wish to change the layout of your desk, or move a filing cabinet within easier reach.

Start by assessing your daily habits, routines, and needs, and then arrange your space in a way that supports it. This will maximise your energy and efficiency, and help to create the feeling that everything is in flow and that you have less resistance from the environment itself.

5. Refresh: Try Something New

You can make your space feel different by trying something new. In the physical sense, this can include a different style of decoration or scent, for example, but it doesn’t have to stop there. You can make your environment feel new by incorporating a new hobby, a change of diet such as trying a plant-based lifestyle, or a complete shift in routine and schedule.

However you choose to refresh your space and lifestyle, get creative, experiment, and enjoy the process!

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Our Editorial Team are writers and experts in their field. Their views and opinions may not always be the views of Wellbeing Magazine. If you are under the direction of medical supervision please speak to your doctor or therapist before following the advice and recommnedations in these articles.

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