Your Health & Lifestyle Wellbeing Magazine

Author: Clare Daley

  • Nutrition essentials for a vegan diet

    Nutrition essentials for a vegan diet

    An increasing number of people are choosing to move towards a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle. According to a study published by YouGov, one in five adults think people will not be eating meat by 2030. Indeed, a high intake of fruit and vegetables has been linked in numerous studies with health benefits, including a reduction…

  • Why stress can be damaging for your brain health

    Why stress can be damaging for your brain health

    It might seem obvious that stress is bad for your health; after all, who hasn’t had a tough day at work, and left feeling run down? But stress can also be bad for your brain, in terms of both mental and cognitive health. Chronic stress can result in changes to nerve structure, and even nerve…