Your Health & Lifestyle Wellbeing Magazine

Author: Vitacodis

  • Calming a Racing Mind with These Effective Stress Management Tips

    Calming a Racing Mind with These Effective Stress Management Tips

    Everyday life can be stressful as a modern, working woman, mother or both. Juggling everything that we need to get done each day, from family life to errands to work deadlines can make us feel under pressure which can lead to feelings of stress and anxiety.

  • Exercise to Improve Core Strength and Posture

    Exercise to Improve Core Strength and Posture

    Exercise has many benefits, both for our physical health and our emotional health. It helps us manage our weight, create a leaner, more toned physique and build stronger, healthier bones. In terms of our mental health, when we exercise, we release feel good chemicals that boost our mood and give us a post exercise high.

  • Understanding the Perimenopause

    Understanding the Perimenopause

    The perimenopause is a transitional phase that occurs in the years before the menopause. It’s most common in women in their late 30s and early 40s and the symptoms can last up to 10 years, right up until the menopause, which women generally experience at around 50 years old.