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How To Cope With Alcohol And  Mental Health

Many people perceive alcohol as a way of improving their moods. But truth be told.  It can only uplift your moods temporarily with long-term effects on your mental health. As a matter of fact, drinking should be occasional rather than doing it to the point of addiction. Alcohol is a worldwide problem causing multitudes of deaths, including thousands of young lives, according to WHO’s 2011 global status report on alcohol. Not only does it trigger diseases, but also cause injury, depression, violence and suicide globally.

In this article, we are going to discuss the negative impacts of alcohol on your psychological health and how to cope.

Alcohol and your brain chemistry

The brain is everything when it comes to a balanced body. There are chemicals in it that maintain its balance, hence, stabilizing your moods. On the other hand, alcohol fools you by temporarily boosting your moods since it’s a depressant.  But in real, it ends up disrupting your balance, judgment, as well as frame of mind and actions. Such can have a detrimental effect on your long-term health. Alcohol even interferes with neurotransmitters that send signals from one nerve inside your brain to the other. Uncontrolled drinking suppresses your brains inhibition part, thus you become over confident. Aggressive, or anxious.

The vicious cycle of drinking and depression

According to medical centre in Cranbourne and Croydon, drinking uncontrollably is linked to depressive episodes, which might take time before you discover the actual cause. It might mean some deep digging to understand the root cause of the addiction before the actual treatment proceeds. This is because depression may lead to drinking and vice-versa. Also, excessive alcohol interferes with nerve-chemical systems in your body responsible for your mood changes. Unfortunately, most anti-depressants contraindicate with alcohol, so it’s not advisable to take them.

Alcohol-related suicide, self-harm and psychosis

Many people lose their self-consciousness and behave impulsively due to abusing alcohol. Such can contribute to self-harm and in the long run, suicide. Those who are chronic drinkers usually have suicidal thoughts, or death resulting from suicide. Also, extreme drinking levels are known to cause psychosis, hallucinations, and delusions.

Alcohol Coping skills

  • Find a support system: The best people to help you stay sober are your family and friends. Just be open and talk to your support system without fear of judgment. Mostly, they’ll keep you accountable if you share your feelings.
  • Attend meetingsGet in touch with support groups that share your experience to open up on your triggers. A counselor or your sponsor can help you overcome the triggers gradually.
  • Distract yourself: Do something. Exercise daily to boost your moods and general health. Find a new hobby to occupy your drinking thoughts. Replace your thoughts with positive ones and avoid situations and friends likely to trigger the addiction.


If you’re having difficulties quitting or reducing your levels of alcohol, seek professional help. This is why medical centre in Cranbourne and Croydon ensures their patients understand the triggers that impact their relapse. It helps patients avoid situations that will lead them back to alcohol. Therefore, seeking professional help can get you back on the road to sobriety in a non-judgmental manner.


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