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How to start consciously co-creating what you really want

Want to get unstuck? If you’re feeling a bit lost in life, maybe it’s time to rethink the way you set intentions and consider consciously co-creating in a new way.

Whether you are aware of it or not, you are always attracting or repelling experiences like a magnet through the power of the Law of Attraction. Put simply, positive thoughts attract positive experiences, and negative thoughts attract negative experiences. This law has been mysteriously whispered about since records began by scholars, mystics and scientists alike. Even the fascinating field of quantum physics strongly supports the idea that your external reality is linked to your intricate system of thoughts and emotions.

  • Focus on the feeling

Most experts tell you to focus on what you want – be it a partner, some money, or a new job.  

But aligned, harmonious co-creating happens when you look beyond the thing you want to how you want to feel.

If you want money, for example, you need to push a little deeper and try to work out what feeling you are trying to achieve with the extra cash.

Let’s say, for instance, you want to feel safe.

Here’s the switch. Instead of setting an intention for more money, set an intention to feel safe. Right now – exactly as your life is, without the extra money.

The Law of Attraction will immediately go to work manifesting this internal feeling for you, just like it would do if you’d intended to receive more money.

Although this initially feels a bit odd and you might feel some resistance – give it a try and see how empowering it feels. Although it’s the reverse of what most of us are taught in life, it’s more powerful and far-reaching in its effects.

Essentially, you’re missing out the middle man. Your new intention is bullet proof because it’s something that can’t be taken away from you. It’s a quality within you – a self-transformation.

The thing with external manifestations is that at 12 o’clock – poof! – your fairy godmother might make them disappear. You don’t have control over them. But if you learn how to feel safe whatever happens at the party, you can stay as long as you like, without worrying about losing your sparkly shoes.

By focusing on the feeling, you are also creating something that you can give back, instead of something you just take. Once mastered, you will radiate out a catching glow of safety to everyone around you.

And what’s really amazing about this process is the energy state you put yourself into is, ironically, far more likely to attract wealth into your life because it puts you in a relaxed, open and receptive state. (But you can’t do it for that reason – you have to genuinely focus on the feeling!)

Which leads to the second step…

  • Ditch the externals

After you’ve worked out how it is you want to feel, you need to get out of the way and let go of the externals. This is a hard but really important step. 

It doesn’t mean that you won’t get the external things. As I said before, they are actually more likely to appear. But let go of trying to control and manipulate them.

Trying to alter your external reality first is like putting lipstick on your reflection in the mirror. Fine, as long as you stay put, but your correction doesn’t move with you.

Your world is not static. External goals are fixed and linear – they don’t move with the ebb and flow of life. What meets your needs one day, might not the next.

How you want to feel on the other hand, is an agile, non-linear goal that dances rhythmically to your daily needs.

Have faith that the Universe will deliver exactly the results you need for your highest good, and for the highest good of those around you. And you never know – it might even bring you something far better.

  • Lastly, stick with it

Once you start using this powerful co-creating process, don’t give up.

As with regular manifesting, the road to internal transformation is simple but not easy.

Remembering to do it is key – repetition creates new habits. As humans, we are hard-wired to desire success. But we are not always hard-wired to create success, in fact, often, our natural tendencies go against success as a way of keeping us safe and small.

Don’t be disheartened if change isn’t immediate. Your old self will be quick to tell you the process isn’t working, but don’t let your outdated programs run you – you need to hold firm. You can’t experience a new reality without first evolving yourself, and evolution is a process, not a quick fix.

Changing yourself takes effort, dedication and persistence. Keep focusing on the person you want to be, and you will soon notice changes – both internally and externally.


The word personality comes from the Greek word persona, meaning mask. If you are not happy with the results you’re getting with your current mask, all you need to do is pick a new one.

First, consciously co-create the person you want to be, and then watch as this new persona miraculously reflects back to you a different image in the mirror that is your external reality.

As was written in the Emerald Tablet by the great alchemist Hermes Trismegistus: “as within, so without” (circa 3000 BC).

If you want help consciously co-creating, or support with setting intentions, visit my website or book in a free call for a chat.


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