Your Health & Lifestyle Wellbeing Magazine

Let your 2023 health check be a “Real Health Assessment!”

Most health assessments neglect your health and focus on pathology instead, screening you for any disease you may have or may be developing! At “TotalHealthMatters!” the aim is to help you boost your health in every way, because a healthy lifestyle beats pathology!

When did your doctor last check your body structure in alignment?

Any structural problem will adversely affect your body functioning to some degree! This is part of the Real Health Assessment.

When did your doctor last check your diet and eating habits?

Our diet is a major factor in health or disease – most chronic diseases are diet related! This is part of the Real Health Assessment.

When did your doctor last check your breathing efficiency?

Very few of us breathe normally for optimal health. Poor quality breathing is a prime factor in over a hundred health problems! This is part of the Real Health Assessment.

When did your doctor last check your stress levels?

Stress is known to be a major factor that impairs good health, weakens our immune system and affects all body functions! This is part of the Real Health Assessment.

Your health is connected to everything – from your diet, your breathing, your body condition, your mind, and even the cosmos!

The Real Health Assessment

We can check all this in the “Real Health Assessment” so you will get the key factors you have control over checked and be given my book “Connection – towards a broader understanding of health in medicine” to guide you on some of the other factors you have less control over.

The consultation will take about ninety minutes and you will usually receive your report the following day.


The Real Health Assessment – TotalHealthMatters! Hawkhurst Kent TN18 5DA

Name: XXXX

Date: 28/10/2022

The Body Connection

Very briefly, your body general mechanics and structure show a significant torsion on the pelvis of half an inch, associated right side-bending in the lumber and cervical areas with consequent neck pain and restrictions. Recommendation: See an osteopath to correct these problems to establish a level pelvis and maintain this level pelvis with the “Pisa Pelvic Exercise” as described in my podcast:

Your Weight: 123.8 lb. is well within the normal BMI (21.3) For your Height:163cm.

Your Body Fat 30.8% is well within the normal range 24-36% Your Visceral Fat 6 likewise is within the normal range of 1-9.

The Food Connection

Your 4LeafSurvey score of +14 indicates You are in the Two Leaf Group and between 40 to 60% of your calories are derived from whole plant food. Associated health risks from your diet are average. You are among the top 6% with this quality diet. Listen to my podcast “The World’s Finest Diet” here:

Your Diet ID quality diet was 8. General dietary changes would include: increase vegetables content of your diet, reduce dairy foods and eggs to lower cholesterol intake, add more pulses and whole grains. The Diet ID site will offer you more information as to how you can improve your diet.

The Breath Connection

Your Nijmegen Score was 8, indicating no significant hyperventilation.
Your Buteyko Control Pause was 45 indicating excellent breathing quality.

Haemoglobin oxygen saturation was 99% and Pulse rate 69, both healthy measures.

You may like to read the literature I gave you on Better Breathing to keep this monitored.

The Mind Connection

Your Initial LCT score was 2 indicating minimal stress and your second LCT score was 0 indicating the possible lowering of your stress in the future.

We discussed some of the other indications that your choice of colours might mean. As this is a very simplified LCT do not place great reliance on these findings.

General Comments

From your medical history you have had high blood pressure and panic attacks in the past. Both these conditions can be controlled to a large extent with diet and improved breathing. The shift towards a Whole Plant Diet is the most well researched dietary impact on heart and circulatory problems, and any significant hyperventilation is a common cause of panic attacks or anxiety states due to hypoxia.

You already have taken the most important improvement in your diet by eliminating meat. Check out for the latest research on diet and osteoarthritis. As I mentioned hydration is often a problem with many people, check out my podcast: “Water- The Foundation of Health & Life” here:

Michael Lingard BSc. DO. Cert.Nut. Tel: 01580 752 852

Book your Real Health Assessment

The fee for this Real Health Assessment is £95.

To book your Real Health Assessment please send an email to lingard [@] or phone 01580 752 852

Words: Michael Lingard BSc. DO. Cert.Nut.

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  • Michael Lingard

    Michael has 25 years experience integrating the best of alternative and orthodox healthcare in a multi disciplinary clinic. He has been practising physical medicine, osteopathic treatment and cranio-sacral therapy since gaining his Diploma in Osteopathy from the European School of Osteopathy in 1981. In 2005 he trained as a Buteyko practitioner with the Buteyko Institute of Breathing and Health, the International Professional Association of Buteyko Practitioners (BIBH) to add correct breathing to his structural work to promote better health.