Light Body Healing – more tools for NLP and Reiki Practitioners?
I recently posted on Facebook to advertise our Light Body Healing training. One of my brothers asked “Is it like Reiki?” to which I answered “It is in the same ballpark but with very different techniques.” Which I guess begs the questions “What is it? and “Who might be interested.
Our ancestors knew that the cause of illness is generally held in our energy body and the effect comes out in our physical body. They didn’t understand the science behind it but they knew what worked. They developed herbal cures and used primitive surgery to cure the effect and they used energy healing in different forms to remove the energy driving the illness. Medicine people / Shaman used both. Modern medicine started in Greece and focussed on herbs and surgery. With religious persecution energy healing became hidden, changed or forgotten.
There have always been very effective hands on healers. Scientists are catching up. They now understand that the trillions of cells in our body produce a personal electromagnetic field. They know that the gut and the heart have cells similar to brain cells. It won’t be too long before they connect the dots. Our electromagnetic field (aka Light Body or Energy Body) is connected to everything around us. The Physical body and the Light Body work together like a computer and software. The Light Body brings in signals which pass through the message centres in our brain, gut and heart, and the physical body and our mind responds. The state of our physical body, our thinking, our beliefs, our habits etc. impact to store causes of wellness and illness in our energy body.
Scientists have known about entrainment for a while. They have put an unhealthy cell next to a healthy cell and the cells have entrained so that the unhealthy cell reacts and changes to become healthy. This is how our body forms, cells entraining to become organs, ears, noses etc. It is not too far a stretch to imagine that healthy people can entrain the energy body of an unhealthy person and remove heavy energy. Reiki?
Our ancestors had a greater ability to be aware of energy and interpret it. All their senses were much more powerful than modern man. We are using less than 5% of the capabilities of our five main senses and this impacts on our sixth sense. We are surrounded by loud noises, strong smells and tastes, and flashing images. So, of course, we have desensitised ourselves. The good news is that we have all the equipment but it’s a bit dusty.
All the NLP, Reiki and Shamanic training I have undertaken has involved increasing our sensitivity and awareness to enable us to track the cause of illness. The training also involves the development of our intention to remove that cause, by using tools and techniques that carry intention. With the heavy energy or belief or story removed, and with the entrainment with positive intention, the body is able to heal itself.
Reiki works on energy body along with other technologies. I have studied and taught South and North American energy body healing. I think Acupuncture and Homeopathy work on the energy body as well as the physical.
Does this mean we can stop taking the pills and physical treatments? No! Our ancestors worked on the physical body and the energy body. We have four levels of relationship with the world and wellness and illness affects all of them. Healing needs to effect change at all levels or the illness may keep presenting itself.
At the level of the physical we need to treat the effect through our pills and surgery.
At the level of the mind we need to remove unhelpful thoughts, memories, beliefs and stories.
At the mythic level we need to change the negative impact of social / group symbology e.g. the black cloud of the impossibly perfect that our parents, our peers, our society create for us, which continuously rains on our parade, up to a whole lifetime.
At the energetic level we need to remove the heavy energy, just like putting a finger in the spring at the start of its journey can change the whole journey of the river.
To heal we need to work on each level.
It was a surprise to Sue and I when we started our Light Body Healing course in Holland to discover that most of our 100 co-participants were NLP Master Practitioners who wanted to extend their work to the mythic and energetic levels. We all got what we came for.
Our training programme covers the 4 directions.
In the South we shed our unhelpful beliefs like a snake sheds its skin and we learn the core healing technique of the Inca Shaman – the illumination process which works to remove hucha (heavy energy) through the chakras.
In the West we work to release our suffering and we learn two extraction techniques to remove heavy energy that has a form.
In the North we step into our power and source from within. We learn to journey to retrieve soul parts. We release the influence of our teachers. We learn to track a healed future.
In the East we step into our potential. We learn the release spiral and how to use the death rites to assist someone passing peacefully.
There are a lot of new tools and techniques for Reiki and NLP practitioners, as well as other healers and psychotherapists. The training itself is a healing journey because we work together to learn the healing content by undergoing our own healing process over the course of the programme.
In our taster morning we will help you experience your own energy and other people’s energy. We will demonstrate the illumination process and take you on an inner journey. We will answer your questions. We will also gift you the Healers Rites, one of the 9 rites of initiation we received from the Inca lineage.
David and Susan Hill are offering an Introduction to Energy Body taster morning at their home in Matfield, Kent on Saturday 15th February 2020 from 10.00 a.m. to 13.00 p.m. The cost is £25
To register go to and join the Matfield Meditation and Self Development Meet Up Group for free, and then you can find the introductory course and tell us you are coming. The directions to our home are there.
The Light Body Healing Course starts in April 2020. Further details will be posted in Meet Up.
David Hill has trained with Alberto Villoldo and The Four Winds Society in healing techniques from the Inca lineage and the shaman of South America. He has trained with Tom Brown Jr and Tracker School in philosophy and healing from the Apache lineage.
Sources for this article include books and training from both Alberto and Tom, and books from Stephen Harrod Buhner and, more recently, Dr Alan Watkins.
Recommended Reading List:
Shaman, Healer, Sage by Alberto Villoldo
The Tracker by Tom Brown Jr
Sacred Plant Medicine by Stephen Harrod Buhner
Coherence – The Secret Science of Brilliant Leadership by Dr Alan Watkins