Recognising the mind-body connection
We are entering spring and only a few weeks away from Easter. Spring is a time of new growth and beginnings, and Easter is about new life. With the days becoming lighter and the weather warmer we are more drawn to going out and about. Maybe the new year is seen as the time for resolutions (and it’s fabulous if you have managed to stick to any resolutions you have made until now) however spring gives us another chance to change what we wish to change with renewed optimism.
The mind-body connection has long been recognised – that our thoughts can create bio-chemical changes in the body at the cellular level. In turn these changes may create physical symptoms such as pain, nausea, indigestion, to name a few.
“Wellness is the complete integration of body, mind and spirit – the realisation that everything we do, think, feel, and believe has an effect on our state of well-being.” Greg Anderson
As a Chartered Physiotherapist, Ann Rambaut has had many clients come to her with pain and other physical symptoms. During treatment they learn to associate physical problems with emotional upset. “Once the cause is recognised it’s amazing how quickly the symptoms can ease and disappear.” she says
Ann is known for practicing ‘physiotherapy unusual’ combining all her skills to bring about profound results, and uses a combination of light touch techniques derived from several modalities. She is soon to complete a year long training as a coach, which will enable her to make even greater impact on the mind-body connection. The coaching skills are not only an effective stand alone treatment, they will also combine well with the body techniques she currently uses.
If you are interested in learning more about treatments Ann has to offer, please call her or visit her website.
Ann Rambaut
Chartered Physiotherapist
01323 411900 or 07436 810181