Your Health & Lifestyle Wellbeing Magazine

Tag: mind

  • Simply good health

    Simply good health

    KISS – keep it simple stupid! I often wondered why it is that most professions make life complicated? Is it because most professionals really believe their work is extraordinarily complex and it will be too much to expect others to understand their work? Is it because they have been convinced that with their long training…

  • The body-mind connection is profound!

    The body-mind connection is profound!

    “A man is but the product of his thoughts, what he thinks he becomes…” Mahatma Gandhi. There are many quotes from philosophers to suggest that we are what we think and feel. Modern research is showing that these quotes may have some factual basis. Neurotransmitters are the group of chemicals that carry messages between the…

  • Health without medicine

    Health without medicine

    Health without medicine – the high road or low road of living Might it be possible to live a healthy active life to ninety without medical support? Why have we all become used to the idea that our health is dependent on medicine or surgical intervention? Is it really possible to go through our lives…

  • 6 tips to help ward off dementia!

    6 tips to help ward off dementia!

    Take action now and you can significantly reduce your chances of developing dementia! In East Sussex alone there are a staggering 13,000 people with dementia. On a national basis one in six people over the age of 80 has dementia, and the proportion of people with the disease doubles for every five-year age group. These…

  • Recognising the mind-body connection

    Recognising the mind-body connection

    We are entering spring and only a few weeks away from Easter. Spring is a time of new growth and beginnings, and Easter is about new life. With the days becoming lighter and the weather warmer we are more drawn to going out and about. Maybe the new year is seen as the time for…