The health benefits of raw juice
“Thank goodness for juice! There is only one word that really springs to my mind when I’m drinking a fresh green juice – ‘Gratitude’! It’s as if every single cell in your body is smiling up at you, and for a moment there is a glimpse of that so often elusive feeling – the feeling of optimum wellness.
I juice every day for my family, for my customers and for myself. I never tire of handling the fresh, crisp fruit and vegetables and marvelling at the variety of colours and shapes Mother Nature provides. Going on to study Nutrition at CNM College I have even more reasons to be grateful for juice!
When one studies the intelligence and the complexity of cellular activity, it becomes clear that the human body is designed to protect, defend and to ultimately heal itself. Our bodies want to be well, they want to work with us to maintain optimum health for our everyday performance. The problem is that we are often disconnected from this simple relationship, or so distracted that our actions become alien to our bodies’ responses. We forget that there is no separation and like any relationship it’s what we put in that determines the outcome. In order to function efficiently, our bodies require a particular concoction of nutrients and a particular environment to perform their efficient duties.
So how can we ensure that we work with ourselves to provide the best fuel, and the best environment to absorb that fuel? Easy and simple; a green juice made up of raw organic green leafy vegetables and fruits – pure nutrition in a simple form that the body immediately recognises and can use for its many duties. Delivering nutrients without having to deal with the energetic process of digesting fibres, the nutrients hit the bloodstream swiftly and get to work.
Drinking juice regularly gives the digestive system a rest and the energy is spent on cleaning and maintenance. This is what happens when we sleep though often the internal environment is so clogged up, the body only has time for repairing and therefore not enough cleaning takes place. So a juice in the morning helps to continue the cleansing program and clear the internal blockages.
Cleaning our internal environments is so important for a healthy body. We have another universe inside of us, where bacteria is delicately balanced and can easily be upset with malnutrition and then Dysbiosis sets in, the imbalance of the microbiome. As around eighty percent of our immune system is in our gut, an imbalance of this bacteria can be the cause of many diseases.
“All chronic and degenerative diseases are caused by two and only two major problems; toxicity and deficiency” Charlotte Gerson
Ridding our bodies of unwanted toxins is the beginning of our pathway to wellness. Juice, especially organic, cold-pressed green leafy juice is a great way to start an inner cleansing programme.
“The emphasis here with diet is on removing the physical residue, on cleansing through proper diet. Once the physical body (the anchor) is put in tune, all the other bodies (mental, emotional, spiritual) line up and begin to cleanse as well. It is real. It works.” David Wolfe
Adding a raw juice to your diet everyday will go a long way towards protecting, defending and building a beautiful balanced relationship with your whole body.”
Constandia Christofi
Constandia runs the Raw Health Bar in the Brighton Open Market. She is trained in Feng Shui and Shamanic Healing, and currently studying Nutrition at CNM College of Naturopathic Medicine.