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Mindfulness Holds the Key to the Divineness Within 

At a time when chaos in our world has grown to extreme levels, millions are questioning their life’s meaning and sensing that there must be something more. For those relying on external influences to give their lives purpose, many find themselves unfulfilled. 

But each of us holds the key to access higher-order thinking. A practice of Mindfulness paves a path beyond the chaos to a place of sacred calm. Mindfulness reveals the secrets of how to open ourselves to the inner workings of our minds as well as our hearts. Practicing Mindfulness not only reigns in our busy minds, it keeps us present and awake. We become keenly aware of the impermanence of life, and therefore we have a greater appreciation of it.  

Through Mindfulness we discover how to be in the present moment, raising our state of consciousness and revealing “sacred truths” — universal principles or divine laws that every one of us can live when choosing to be present with the mystery of life. We can access an experience of mysticism, where we’re attuned to the spiritual sense of becoming one with a higher consciousness.  

Mindfulness is our gateway to the mystical experience that’s available for everyone open to its presence. With Mindfulness as the ever-present guiding escort, we’re able to gain insights into finding our own divine path of mystical self-transformation. As we learn to enter a state of quietude, acceptance and heightened awareness, we open ourselves to creative inspiration and a higher-level consciousness that leads us to an experience of mysticism. 

The mystical experience isn’t something that can only be experienced by mystics. It’s available for anyone seeking “to know spiritual truths that are beyond the intellect,” as mysticism is often described. Mystical revelation, when the veils of illusion fall away, occurs when we stay in present moment awareness and look more deeply — allowing us to transcend what’s on the surface. 

Through the laser-sharp awareness available with Mindfulness, invite your quiet mind to uncover the divineness within. Begin your quest by: 

1. Stripping yourself bare of fears and illusions. Know that you are worthy and deserving of knowing the sacred truths of life, but you must first understand that you’re much more than your identify or persona. You must surrender to your most authentic self, facing all your faults and fears and leaving no aspects unknown. Through this surrendering, you offer yourself to the mystical. 

2. Setting your gaze where you need to look. The mystical is there, but you must focus beyond just what you’re looking at. As Thoreau said, “The question is not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” When you don’t just look, but really see what you’re looking at with your five senses functioning at their optimum — interacting as if there’s no separation from the oneness that is all — you become open to the mystical in all the moments of your life. 

3. Being patient in your seeking. When seeking the sacred truths of life, be patient and remember that you can’t force or demand that the mystical reveal itself to you. If you stay committed to seeking the truth, and remain awake, present, and aware in your commitment, the mystical will make its presence known to you by how you make your presence and quest known to it. 

4. Delving into the brilliance of your being. Don’t let your “small self ” run the show. Aspire to heighten your awareness, raise your consciousness, and continue on the path of spiritual development. You can orchestrate your union with reality by realizing that you’re a part of the supreme oneness and only need to let your divine light become illumined even more. 

Mindfulness is here for us, but we must use it if we hope to transcend the ordinary and allow ourselves to see with full awareness.  

Written By Ora Nadrich 

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Ora Nadrich

Ora Nadrich is founder and president of the Institute for Transformational Thinking and author of Live True: A Mindfulness Guide to Authenticity, named among the “top 18 books on what an authentic life looks like” by PositivePsychology and “one of the 100 Best Mindfulness Books of All Time” by BookAuthority. She is a certified life coach and Mindfulness teacher, specializing in transformational thinking, self-discovery and mentoring new coaches. Her new book is Mindfulness and Mysticism: Connecting Present Moment Awareness with Higher States of Consciousness (IFTT Press, Nov. 11, 2021). Contact her at  


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