Seven Steps to Tune into Your Psychic Abilities
Ever wanted to make contact with spirit or fine tune your mediumship skills? Maybe this is the year you begin, says Decluttering Queen and Psychic Medium – Carolyn Creel
Step 1: Pick the place
Pick a comfortable space where you feel totally safe and secure, will not be interrupted and are able to let go of your conscious mind. Our homes are a great place to contact the spirits. If your loved one lived with you, you might choose their favourite area of the house, or a place you can easily picture them.
Step 2: Raising the Vibe
Spirits operate at a higher vibration to us, and are made up of light, loose energy that flows freely. It’s important to raise the vibration of a space and energetically cleanse the space before you try to make contact. You can do this with sound, through music or singing. Spirit loves our voices. You can also use a Selenite crystal wand or incense.
Step 3: Connecting with Calm
Get comfy. Take several deep breaths and imagine your body filling with white light.
Relaxing into a meditative state requires a total feeling of safety, so make sure you won’t be disturbed. Once your body is feeling soft and calm and relaxed, and your mind is free of everyday concerns and in a dreamlike state, you are almost ready to connect with the spirits.
Step 4: Setting the Intention
It’s now time to make your intention clear to the spirit world. You can use any words special to you or affirmations of others. Personally, I invite the spirits to use my body as a channel to share their messages of love; then I place a golden band around myself to help me focus on the spirits I would like to talk to. These intentions should always come from a place of love.
Step 5: Building a Bridge to the Spirits
The spirits live among us, but on a different plane. We need to build a bridge between us
physical world and the light, dreamlike place where the spirits live. Start to imagine that your body is now becoming lighter, leave the weight of your body behind and float up out of your body. You will see a beautiful bridge stretched out before you. That is where they are waiting.
Step 6: Asking the Spirits to Come Forwards
Ask in a clear, bold voice: ‘If there is anyone in spirit here, would you please step
forwards?’ You may experience fleeting glimpses of things, or shadows of voices. Nothing will be clear or certain. The more you practise, the more sights and sounds from the spirit world will grow clearer. The most important thing is how you feel. If you feel loving energy, then you can be assured that the spirits are around you.
As soon as you get that strong feeling of love, then begin to ask questions – What is your name? How did you pass? You may be shown a memory or a picture or hear a word. From these things, you may be able to determine who is coming through for you. Asking how they passed can help you piece together who the spirit is. It may not be the person you expect, but it will always be somebody who loves you.
Step 7: Thank them and Ground
When you have made contact, it is time to return to your body and the physical world. Thank Spirit for sharing their messages of love. Thank them and energetically disconnect before returning into your body.
To make sure you are fully back into your body, use a grounding exercise like putting your feet on the earth. Or pick up a Hematite to bring you back into this realm.
Most importantly journal on any messages you received.
For further guidance you can pick up a copy of my book; “How to be Your Own Medium” available from Amazon or I offer spiritual guidance packages which can help you get clear on your purpose and where in life you wish to go next.