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Struggling to Meditate? Here’s How to Enhance Your Practice

Even if you’re a long-time meditator, you must have struggled to turn your mind off while meditating. Well, that’s normal and happens with everyone who practices meditation. The truth is this practice demands continuous effort and dedication to get the peace of mind you want. 

To be able to put your entire focus onto something, you need consistent practice over time. However, there are certain ways you can enhance your practice. Read on to learn more about it. 

Don’t Expect Much

When a person starts meditation, their first goal always remains to get more clarity of thoughts and a peaceful mindset. Well, it’s time to break that bubble! If you want to reach the highest potential of meditation, keep your expectations zero. Just start, get comfortable with the discomfort, and allow yourself to explore your brain and body. In the beginning, people often experience negative emotions, such as anxiety, restlessness, and irritation. That’s absolutely normal. Instead of panicking and leaving the session, you should repeatedly try until you become comfortable. 

Be Consistent 

Consistency is what will help you grow in your meditation practice. It is far better to meditate for at least 10 minutes a day than to meditate for 30 minutes once a week. In order to feel the positive effects of meditation, you need to allow your brain and body to adapt to the practice. And that happens when you indulge in conscious breathing every day. Even simpler, you can try mindfulness at any point in time. It simply means focusing on the present moment and giving your 100% to it. 

Environment Matters 

If you’re meditating while your kid watches his favorite cartoon, you’re not meditating but just passing your time. And if you’re a beginner, you must sit in a calm and peaceful place where you are able to concentrate on your breathing and not other noises. In fact, studies have shown that you should choose the same place and the same timing to improve the effects of meditation. 

Try CBD to Improve Your Concentration 

Did you know CBD or cannabidiol could help you improve your focus and concentration? Many people prefer smoking their favorite CBD strain through bongs to get quick and effective results. Smoke half an hour before your session, and you’ll find yourself in a much calmer and more relaxed zone to focus on your practice. Besides, CBD also helps to treat anxiety, stress, and restlessness. 

Explore Different Types of Meditation

There are different types of meditation that you can try for yourself. Some might work perfectly, while others may not complement your personality. The most basic type, which also works for almost everybody, is breathing techniques. While meditation primarily focuses on breathing, keeping your practice entirely on different breathing exercises can bring powerful results. Common breathing exercises include box breathing, belly breathing, or ocean-sounding breath. 

Final Thoughts 

Meditation is probably the most beneficial form of accessing relaxation, peace of mind, and self-exploration. One must embrace these feelings of enlightenment, love, and peace and share them with others. This not only makes you feel good about yourself but motivates others, as well. 


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