Your Health & Lifestyle Wellbeing Magazine

Tag: counselling

  • Resisting the pressure to be happy

    Resisting the pressure to be happy

    [quote]“Tears are words that need to be written.” Paulo Coelho[/quote]  We live in a culture where there is often an unspoken pressure to be happy, upbeat or positive.  Sometimes this message is explicit, as in ‘You just need to think positive!’ or ‘Don’t feel sorry for yourself, cheer up!’ We may even hear this kind…

  • Developing self-awareness

    Developing self-awareness

    Human beings are weird! I should know, I am a Psychotherapist – amongst other things. Even within what we might call the ‘normal’ range of thoughts, feelings and behaviours, we are a little bit odd – all of us, and I include myself in that. We have weird and wonderful ways of behaving, thought processes, and…

  • Health through Transactional Analysis

    Health through Transactional Analysis

    Leilani Mitchell talks about our innate need for attention and how we inhibit ourselves and often end up with negative attention especially in times of stress. ‘She/he is just attention seeking’ – how often do we hear or say this statement? We use it as a put down as a criticism, and yet if someone…

  • Good grief

    Good grief

    Leilani Mitchell gives a personal view on the emotions involved in loosing a loved one. Grief is something we all go through at some point in our lives. At 42, I have had more then my fair share – my brother died when I was 20, my sister died when I was 34 and my…

  • Make that change

    Make that change

    Our resident psychotherapist, Leilani Mitchell, advises on how to embrace the new year and beyond and make that change. It’s that time of year again – the evenings are dark, the cold, wet weather is here and last year is a memory. This is when people often make decisions about the future – resolutions to…