Your Health & Lifestyle Wellbeing Magazine

Tag: life coaching

  • Recognising True Commitment

    Recognising True Commitment

    Here’s Bill standing at A and going to his goal, B. With full commitment he strides directly towards B. He might encounter obstacles but he goes over or round as best he can as he’s committed to getting to B. Once at B, he reinforces his belief in himself as someone who commits and reaches their goal. Contrast with…

  • Tips to help you choose your best retreat

    Tips to help you choose your best retreat

    Thinking of a retreat? How do you choose the best one for you, when the ads are on television showing perfect beaches, laughing children and sexy couples. Many of us are wondering if there’s a more holistic and beneficial way to spend our days away. Consider the questions below to find the kind of retreat…

  • Have you found your tribe?

    Have you found your tribe?

    As Abraham Maslow identified, one of the most fundamental human needs is the need to belong. This is why it’s important that we find our ‘tribe’, our group who share common interests and values and show genuine appreciation and care for us. Our personal and spiritual evolution can be seen as a process of becoming more…

  • Roots of Life supporting your holistic wellbeing

    Roots of Life supporting your holistic wellbeing

    Roots of life (RoL) is an internet-based, holistic wellbeing company with a unique approach centred around a website which offers support in both emotional and physical wellbeing,  through Life Coaching, Personal Training, Nutrition and Spirituality. What makes the tree of life sturdy and strong? We believe it is the roots. The roots however have to…