Your Health & Lifestyle Wellbeing Magazine

Tag: nails

  • Diagnosis from a Naturopath

    Diagnosis from a Naturopath

    If we start off with the premise that health is not just the absence of disease, rather an abundance of vitality then strictly speaking – are any of us in optimum health? And whilst most of my patients come to see me with an already established diagnosis there are others who, whilst not unwell enough…

  • Do eyes tell us anything about overall health?

    Do eyes tell us anything about overall health?

    Sometimes I wish I didn’t assess people in the way I do, but that’s my job! Every line, wrinkle, black circle, change in hue or skin colour I pick up as second nature. Taking the time to look at someones outward appearance can be hugely important in not missing a health condition. When I see…

  • Outward signs of health issues

    Outward signs of health issues

    Taking the time to look at someone’s outward appearance can be hugely important in not missing a health condition. When I see patients on a one to one basis, I’m pretty much assessing them as soon as they come through the door, i.e. do they actually look well and do their eyes, skin, nails etc.…