The booming wellness questions of 2021 so far

From crystals to monthly subscription skincare packages – Research reveals that the UKs wellness regime is evolving. Here is what do you need to know.

Here, health and lifestyle brand BrandRated reveals the booming wellness questions of 2021, the science behind them and how to adopt them into your day-to-day life.

Hangover cures – 582.06% uplift

After consuming high levels of alcohol, you may find yourself waking up with intense headaches, nausea, unquenching thirst and fatigue. How your effected by alcohol greatly depends on many differing factors, from sex, age, weight, and units of alcohol consumed.

The search term ‘Hangover Cures’ has seen an increase of nearly 600% over the last year, and it’s not hard to see why. This is the result of a noted alcohol increase in lockdown and a further increase as pubs and clubs reopen.

The most common solution is to drink lots of water before you sleep, and when you wake up. Alcohol works as a diuretic, and over time makes you urinate and sweat more, causing you to feel dehydrated, which creates headaches and, obviously, extreme thirst.  Alcohol also disrupts the REM sleep cycle, causing tiredness.  ‘Sleeping off’, a hangover will supress its symptoms and remedy the feeling of nausea.

Manifesting techniques 900.00% uplift

If we put out positive thoughts, we receive positive results. At least that’s the concept behind a very popular wellness trend in 2021. In the past year, the term ‘Manifesting techniques’ has seen a big growth in search results across all countries, and a huge part of the increase is its popularity on TikTok.  Processes such as the 3, 6, 9 methods, ‘ask, believe receive’ and gratitude journals have all contributed to the popularity of manifesting techniques through the pandemic.

No matter the method, fundamentals of manifesting techniques always remain the same – that the ‘laws of attraction’ – the principle that we attract experiences and situations that are of the same frequency as our thoughts and beliefs. If you think good thoughts, good things will eventually manifest themselves into your life.

Sustainable clothes – 493.33% uplift

Sustainable clothes in a world of fast fashion and disposable designs can feel like an uphill struggle. When it comes to the world of clothes retail, it doesn’t come as a surprise to many that it’s one of the most polluting industries on earth. When it comes to sustainable living, many people think it’s just a case of buying second-hand from charity shops, but there’s many ways to reduce your carbon footprint and help the environment.

With an uplift in searches for ‘Sustainable clothes’, many people over the last year are being inspired by the likes of Greta Thunberg to make a proactive and positive change to their carbon footprint, from buying what you need, not what you want, to repairing items of clothing, to buying better quality items so they last longer. 

How to meditate – 384.95% uplift

Over the last few months, we’ve all needed a calming influence in our lives to reduce the stress and uncertainty of the modern world. Meditating, like yoga and low-energy exercising, has been on the up for over a decade now, but in the last year we’ve seen a huge increase on the question ‘How to meditate’? of nearly 400%.

With more and more people working from home (the UK went from 2% to over 70% in a month) people found it harder to switch off from e-mails and constant pings from work group chats.

The route many people took was to seek out tips on how to meditate in the home, from beathing techniques during the day, to wind down sessions as the cool nights draw in. Whatever the method, meditating is a classic calming method that can do wonders for your mental health as well as your body. 

Do crystals work – 5800% uplift

Such an uplift in crystal work aligns with a rise in the UK adopting spiritual activities such as horoscopes, star signs, manifesting and yoga.  Crystals often accompany these practices and work to refocus and accelerate rituals.  Whether they are located on at home working spaces, in bedrooms or living spaces, crystals often seen within UK households.

Subscription skincare – 242.50% uplift

Subscriptions have really taken off in the last year due to lockdown restrictions preventing people from going out to shop. From cakes and treats to 35mm film packages, subscriptions cover almost all bases across the world of retail. Suggestions from retail expects stated that the subscription boom would possibly slow down after some lockdown rules were lifted and customers could go out more, but stats are showing that shoppers aren’t backing away from the online option.

One of the most popular is subscriptions for skincare, in which a monthly package of everchanging items is sent directly to your home for a fee. There’s a surprise factor, mixed with better value for the products you’re receiving. 

Natural toothpaste – 500% – uplift

People are actively becoming more aware of what they’re putting in their bodies, from food to makeup. If you’re looking to extend your healthy ways to even more methods of living, then like many others, you’ve probably looked into natural toothpaste. Switching from your favourites to new items can be daunting, especially if you don’t know what you’re looking for.

Many people have decided to switch from toothpastes they’ve been using their whole lives to more natural formulas.

So, what are people looking for? You want to avoid any artificial flavours, preservatives, or chemical-based active ingredients, though stop short of removing fluoride from your daily usage, as it helps remineralize teeth at the very beginning stages of tooth decay.

Weighted blankets – 264.43% – uplift

After the last year, everyone seems to just want one big hug to help them calm down. For many, that’s been impossible, so they might explain the huge increase in questions on weighted blankets. And they’re not just advised for their ‘hugability’, as they’ve been proven to have a calming effect on the user.

When you’re stressed your heart will naturally beat quicker, causing anxiety and a sense of unease. One of the ways to counter this stress is to lower your heart rate, and that’s where the blanket helps. Body pressure lowers the bodies heartbeat by activating your parasympathetic nervous system. A weighted blanket essentially uses “pressure therapy” and results in a calm-inducing amount of pressure on your entire body, like the feeling of being hugged, swaddled, stroked, or held.

Working from home stretches – 9.900% uplift

For many of us, the only time we could fit in some exercise was the daily commute to work, and then back home. With such a great number of us now working from home, people have been turning to stretches and workouts to do while we’re in our home office.

The search increases have risen due to people seeking advice online from experts on the best methods to use, as well as when to do them. Advice suggests that it’s not a case of setting aside 30 minutes during your lunch break, but instead you should set aside 5 to 10 minutes every hour to stretch your body back into shape. It’s a great way to break up the day, as well as relive the stress of work from the comfort of your office.

Vegan trainers – 430.57% – uplift

With many of us looking to be more sustainable in our lives, it’s only natural that we eventually look to what we wear. Vegan trainers have been around for years but have increased in popularity over the past few due to more companies producing them, and the prices becoming more affordable to the general public.

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Our Editorial Team are writers and experts in their field. Their views and opinions may not always be the views of Wellbeing Magazine. If you are under the direction of medical supervision please speak to your doctor or therapist before following the advice and recommnedations in these articles.

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