The impact of low oxygen in disease development

Hypoxia in Disease Development: comparing two approaches of treatment:- by Optimizing Breathing & by Oxygen Enriched Water.
Recently I was at a lecture given by Dr. Robert Lyon at the Resilo centre in East Grinstead entitled “Mitochondria and Malignancy and the use of Oxygen”. Truly amazing clinical results are being achieved based on oxygen activated water both for drinking and for baths. The water is called Kaqun Water and is enriched with oxygen, not by adding oxygen but by a special process that removes hydrogen.
I was particularly interested as the Buteyko Method has been claimed to assist with treatment of many serious diseases through improved tissue oxygenation. I wanted to hear what were the key differences of this approach.
Much disease development happens more rapidly in areas of low oxygen, hypoxic regions, this is especially so with the development of cancers. One reason for this is that the cellular energy drivers, the mitochondria need adequate oxygen to function optimally, otherwise they are unable to deal with cancerous cells taking over. The other reason is that cancers often develop in areas that have impaired arterial blood supply, old injury sites, constricted blood vessels etc.
The Buteyko approach, that improves tissue oxygenation, relies on normal blood supply to every cell in the body, whereas the activated water that carries increased oxygen will enter all cells regardless, including the cancer cells. It would appear to me that the two approaches would benefit patients the most. Perhaps applying the oxygen enriched water initially to restore all the body’s cells to normal healthy functioning and maintaining this through optimal oxygenation with improved breathing for long-term benefits.
From 2001 to the present Dr. Lyons has been Head Physician of Kaqun Hungary Ltd., where he developed and organized Kaqun studies. In 2010, President Barack Obama gave Dr. Lyons an award for helping mankind. More detailed information is on this site:
The potential benefits of this breakthrough in active treatment of hypoxia are enormous. During the lecture we were given many recent clinical case studies that demonstrated its remarkable effectiveness. The 8th International Kaqun-Elo Conference will be held in London at the Royal Society of Medicine in December, where Dr. Lyon will among a number of eminent speakers:
I will certainly try to get to this Conference to learn more about this work, I’m sure many of our readers would also be interested.
Words: Michael Lingard BSc. DO. BBEA. M.DOC WPNut.Cert
Orthopath, Buteyko Educator, Plantrician.
T: 01580 752 852
Michael Lingard is one of the guest speakers at this year’s Integrative Health Convention in London (Park Plaza Victoria) – 5th & 6th October 2019