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Tips To Get Better sleep

1. Tech-free bedtime

The bedroom is a place that’s affiliated with sleeping. If possible, try as much as you can to eliminate entertainments from the bedroom. It is highly recommended that you eat, view social media, and watch TV in a different room. This will enable you to relax with no diversions in the bedroom.

Be on the lookout for the presence of electronics and gadgets like TVs, tablets, phones, and computers. The backlit displays (usually a blue light) suppress the production of melatonin – the hormone that aids you to fall asleep; this melatonin suppression results in sleep disruption. Avoid using these tech devices two hours before going to sleep in order to decrease their impact on your sleep.

2. Prioritize managing physical symptoms

As anybody who’s attempted to sleep with a headache or a blocked nose is aware, physical health ailment can hinder you from having a good night’s rest. If you’re experiencing minor symptoms, you can easily forget to get professional help. But if you get ahead of the problem before night falls and consult with a pharmacist about getting the right medication for managing your symptoms, you’ll be doing yourself a world of good.

Many suffering from back pain will find that their mattress isn’t supporting them sufficiently. Take a look at these Sleepy’s mattress reviews and consider an upgrade.

3. Temperature, sound, and light

It may seem like a no-brainer, but too much background noise and light can prevent you from falling or remaining asleep.  For noise and light sources you have no control over, earplugs or eye masks are excellent investments.

Temperature is also essential, and if you sleep with a partner who has varying temperature preferences, you should consider getting separate blankets or find other solutions that work best for both of you.

4. Dealing with worry

Trying to force yourself to go to sleep or thinking about it too much will only result in your staying awake. Relaxing both your mind and body instead will assist you to fall asleep that much easier.

Progressive relaxation methods can assist you in relaxing and unwinding at such times.

5. Foods

Consuming dairy products, oats, and rice can create chemicals that increase your affinity for sleeping. In addition to the obvious caffeine, with regard to food and drink to steer away from things high in sugar concentration can make you stay awake in ingested late in the day. Also, having a heavy meal after mid-evening can hinder you from falling asleep.

6. Alcohol alert

Even though alcohol can make you tired and feel drowsy enough to fall asleep, it usually impairs your sleep quality and will make you wake up at night as its effects begin to wear off. This may see you go to the toilet often or wake up feeling dehydrated.

7. Time your exercise

Working out occasionally can assist us to fall asleep, which helps in reducing anxiety and stress. It is recommended that you work out earlier in the day since exercise increases adrenaline production, which makes it hard to fall asleep if done before bedtime.


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