Who wants beautiful, brilliant, healthy children?
Every child born has the potential to be healthy, beautiful and happy. Sadly we’ve all been misled by many myths that need to be swept away with reason and research. These thought patterns go deep into our subconscious and are not easily removed.
I speak with personal experience on this matter; trained as an osteopath with thirty-five years in the health promotion profession, including almost twenty years managing one of the country’s first holistic health centres in Tunbridge Wells (The Wealden Clinic 1981- 2001). I really thought I knew a little about health and its aetiology, though it has taken until now for me to break away from those prejudices that have coloured my thinking and hidden some of the basic truths. I hope that I can help expedite this thought shift for others with some of the work I am doing now.
Here are just a few of the myth busting statements for your consideration:
- Every child at birth has the right genes and the right brain to become a genius, or at least to far exceed any expectations the parent may ever dream of for their child.
- Every baby can learn to read as easily as they learn to talk.
- Although education begins at six years old, learning begins at birth.
- Our capacity to learn is highest in the first year of life and falls off year by year until six years of age.
- Beautiful children all breathe through their noses and rarely mouth breathe.
- Children who mouth breathe have crooked teeth and poor posture.
- No child needs cows milk for good healthy bones.
- None of us, including children, need meat for protein and iron.
- The best teachers for young children are mothers or fathers, or anyone willing to give them the one to one attention they need during this early learning period.
If you’d like to learn more about the statements above:
For points 1 to 4 watch a short Youtube video ‘An introduction to the Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential’s work with children for over 50 years’
For points 5 and 6 please view my blog or a full presentation by an orthodontist
For statements 7 and 8 view thefoodconnection.org.uk
For point 9, decide for yourself after you have learnt the facts!
Michael Lingard BSc DO BBEC
June 2015