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Why You Should Get Orthodontic Treatments Done for Your Child

If you are wondering whether it is necessary to get orthodontic treatments for your child, the answer is yes! It is very important for your child’s overall oral health. The importance of pediatric orthodontics is backed by the fact that it’s easier to treat problems while a child’s jaw is still growing.

Keep in mind that there may be no signs of orthodontic issues but your child can still have oral issues with permanent teeth coming in and growth of the jaw, and only a pediatric orthodontist can spot them. Treatment can reduce the risk of concerns such as gaps, crooked and crowded teeth.

Here are a few concerns centered around the importance of pediatric dentistry and its importance.

Is it necessary to see a pediatric dentist?

Even though an adult and child’s teeth can seem to have similar traits, bone structure in a child is not as rigid as that of an adult. it should not be mistaken for what an adult’s teeth and jaws are capable of. A child dental specialist will be able to notice any critical problems pertaining to the development of their jaw and mouth.

Finding and fixing these problems early in your child’s life will save them from complications in the future and complicated, painful surgery even. Further treatment may be necessary but it will be shorter and less complex.

In case your child has no immediate need for treatment, the orthodontist will regularly check up on them and track their development to ensure their teeth and jaw are properly aligned.

What are the signs your child is facing orthodontic issues?

Diagnosing orthodontic problems early is vital to enable treatment that gives hope for living a life with healthy and strong teeth. Indicators that your child needs pediatric orthodontic treatments are as follows:

Loss of baby teeth too early or too late: Children usually begin to lose their primary teeth around the ages of 6 and 7, this process goes on until about the age of 12. A sign of a developing orthodontic problem is if your child starts losing their baby teeth much earlier or later than usual.

Thumb-sucking: Kids normally stop thumb-sucking between the ages of 2 to 4. Some kids continue to do this even after their permanent teeth appear.

Speech gets affected: In order to talk, the cheeks, jaw, lips, teeth, and tongue need to work together to produce a clear, well-articulated sound. Malocclusion is a condition wherein your child’s teeth won’t properly align when their jaw is shut. This can be due to overcrowding, crossbite, underbite, overbite, or an open bite.

Breathing through their mouth: This can damage the structure of their jaw. It can also cause gingivitis where the gums are inflamed. It is an open bite when the upper and lower teeth don’t come in contact.

Crooked teeth and jaw: Treatment may be needed if your child’s adult teeth are coming in in a crooked fashion, you can tell if their teeth look crowded. If your child’s jaw shifts when eating or is visibly out of alignment, the problem needs orthodontic treatment. This can cause difficulty in eating as well. So, minor treatment is most likely able to prevent this issue from getting even worse.

What are the Types of Treatment in Pediatric Orthodontics?

There are different kinds of oral instruments that can move a child’s teeth, retain muscle, and influence jaw growth. These devices include:

Braces: Braces are quite common and consist of brackets, bands, and wires. Owing to technological advancements, braces are more comfortable and less obtrusive in today’s time.

Aligners: They are popular alternatives to braces and are clear aligners like Invisalign. They do not show up as much as braces, they’re a transparent mold that helps to align the teeth.

Space maintainers: They can be removed or fixed. They provide the space needed to enable adult teeth to grow.

Palatal expanders: This device helps with widening the upper jaw’s arch.

Pediatric orthodontists with experience can aid with your child’s oral needs ensuring the health benefits associated with the proper functioning of the jaw and teeth thereby increasing their self-confidence.


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