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Going nuts for Tigernuts!

Why is Everyone Going Nuts for Tigernuts?
The Wiki Report

Quite simply put, Tigernuts are one of Nature’s superfoods. They’re packed full of fibre, nutrients and vitamins and are believed to contain ingredients that help prevent heart attacks and thrombosis, and improve blood circulation. Recent studies have shown they can help reduce the risk of suffering colon cancer. They have a high energy content making them a great all round snack when you need that extra boost – and they help prevent you from snacking on the crisps, sweets and chocolates. Tigernuts are natures’ sweets.

What Are Tigernuts?
All this talk of nuts and actually the truth is they are not really nuts. They’re actually a vegetable – a type of starchy tuber, also known as chufa. The tuber is dark brown in colour with a rough skin.

The history of the Tigernut goes back about 4000 years to Ancient Egypt. The Arabs brought them to Spain in the eighth century, considering them to have a delicate flavour, to make a drink they called chufa milk which was the base for today’s horchata de chufas. It was in the 13th century that the crop spread to the Mediterranean area within today’s Valencian Community, which is where these nuts are processed and packaged.

Tigernuts contain 36% fibre, making them a great snack and helping keep your digestive system healthy, in good working order and free of the nasties: diarrhoea, constipation and bloating. They have more fibre than bran and oats! They can also aid with weight loss by keeping you feeling fuller for longer.

Tigernuts are the highest whole food source of a unique type of fibre called resistant starch. Besides the pleasant flavour and texture, the resistant starch content is why so many people eat Tigernuts on a regular basis. Resistant starch is a highly beneficial pre-biotic, which means it feeds the good bacteria in your digestive tract. Resistant starch has been a hot topic lately in the health world as more and more research shows the unique benefits of this plant fibre. For example, research indicates that resistant starch could be a powerful component in preventing and/or addressing diabetes and obesity.

Tigernuts contain Vitamins C and E – Vitamin E aids in the formation and functioning of the red blood cells, muscles and other tissues. It is thought to have a preventive effect against cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Vitamin C is an antioxidant. It encourages the absorption of iron, helps maintain vitamin E levels and is very important for the immune system.

Tiger nuts can help regulate blood sugar levels, they are great for people with diabetes because they contain insoluble fibre which unlike other carbohydrates does not create peaks and troughs in the blood sugar levels. They contain Magnesium, Potassium & Phosphorus:

  • Magnesium is needed by the body to aid with muscle and nerve functioning and also correct functioning of the immune system.
  • Potassium aids with relief from strokes, heart and kidney disorders, anxiety and stress. It also helps to enhance muscle strength, aid with water balance in the body and assists with the healthy functioning of the nervous system.
  • Phosphorus is of paramount importance in bone formation and for the maintenance of healthy bones and teeth.

Furthermore, Tigernuts are a rich source of protein which is used as a building block for muscle, skin and bone. They are high in amino acids, particularly Arginine which is proven to help lower blood pressure.
They are allergen free – no soy, dairy, grain,nuts (despite the name) or seeds – and contain ‘heart’ healthy fats similar to olive oil.

If you have read all this and truly understood the health benefits of these nuts then you know you really need to get your hands on some!

The information on this report is intended as an educational tool to offer information about alternative healing and health maintenance options available to the health care consumer today. The advice on this site and in all of Wikaniko’s published works are intended solely for informational and educational purposes and not as medical advice. The products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult a medical professional if you have questions about your medical health.


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