Health and Wellbeing: Coping During Divorce

Making the decision to end a marriage is not an easy one and with it comes numerous considerations on top of significant emotional strain. The ordeal of the divorce process can significantly impact upon physical and mental health and wellbeing.

As part of a recently launched Step-by-Step Guide to Divorce by London-based law firm, Cordell & Cordell, some of the most common health and wellbeing issues associated with divorce have been explored, together with advice on how to try and overcome them.


Whilst depression can arise from numerous situations, for many reasons and at almost any stage of life, it frequently occurs for those on the receiving end of an unwanted divorce. It is common to have feelings associated with feeling unwanted, rejected or unloved. Depression can also occur for those pursuing a wanted divorce.

There are many changes which occur before, during and after a divorce which could potentially lead to depression including broken relationships, changes to living arrangements and altered housing and finances.

Many of the emotions surrounding divorce are entirely natural and will begin to settle over time. They can also be aided by the kindness and support of trustworthy and sympathetic friends.
If, however, things are becoming too difficult to handle, it may be necessary to seek a little extra support by visiting your GP.

A medical professional, like a GP, will be able to offer support and help and be in a position to advise on the best course of action and treatment for you, if this is needed.


Going through a divorce is an ordeal, and it can pose numerous questions about the future. The unknown can be a big trigger for stress and can lead to many questions ranging from queries over living arrangements to finances and children; all of which can be a stress on both the body and mind.

Coming up with a practical coping strategy which works for you is an effective way to try and tackle stress head-on. The important thing to note is that every individual is unique and has varying needs and methods for dealing with stress.

Taking time out to walk your dog or take part in exercise can be an effective reliever of stress. Exercise has been found to help to lift low moods by releasing endorphins and can be great at helping to reduce stress.

It is important to keep an open dialogue with people close to you who can offer your support.

Sleep Problems

There are numerous reasons why sleep could be adversely affected during the divorce process. The following steps might help you to overcome sleep problems, particularly during difficult and stressful times:

  • Establishing a good bedtime routine including going to bed and aiming to wake up at a similar time each day
  • Ensuring the room you sleep in is at a comfortable temperature, not too hot or cold
  • Some people find a warm, milky drink before bedtime can help them wind down and fall asleep more easily
  • A hot bath before going to bed can help relax the body and mind and lead to a good night’s sleep
  • Other traditional remedies can include using lavender or reading a relaxing book

If the above techniques do not work or fail to have any positive impact, it is advisable to consider booking an appointment to speak to your GP about other options to help with sleep problems.

Further Divorce Support and Advice

Cordell & Cordell’s Step-by-Step Guide to Divorce explores various issues relating to health and wellbeing including alcohol, eating problems and concerns about children. Each of these topics are available to support those going through a divorce and offer educational and informative advice to help. The guide is also available to download in PDF format.

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Our Editorial Team are writers and experts in their field. Their views and opinions may not always be the views of Wellbeing Magazine. If you are under the direction of medical supervision please speak to your doctor or therapist before following the advice and recommnedations in these articles.

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