KYMIRA Sport Launch K-Mask & Nanofibre K-Filters

Tested and certified Protection from Viruses, Bacteria & Pollution – 99.6% filtration efficiency – rated as one of the best in the world.

 The KYMIRA K-Mask, with the integrated Nanofibre K-Filter, is designed to protect you from viruses, bacteria and environmental particulates, with a 99.6% filtration efficiency is that is rated as one of the best in the world.

Looking to help during the pandemic, KYMIRA researched and adjusted one of its existing technologies, it’s electrospun nanofiber material, with partner Radical Fibres.

The Nanofiber K-filter:

Using a triple sandwich layer, nanofiber combination, the K-filters have been designed as a reusable, world class filter that will protect you and those around you.

Layer 1: Nanofibres capture viruses, bacteria and pollutants via electrostatic attraction

Layer 2: Activated carbon layer for environmental pollutants

Layer 3: Nanofibres capture viruses, bacteria and pollutants via electrostatic attraction.

The filters have been independently tested to ASTM F2100, ASTM FT101 and EN 1486 standards, certifying the 99.6% filtration rating*. The K-Filter offer its protection for 200 hours and for particles as small as 0.03microns. The effectiveness of the filtration level is due to this microscopic level of protection offered by the electrospun nanofibers, that ionically attract the particles before trapping them within the filter layers. To contextualise this, the Covid-19 virus has a particle micron size of 0.06 -0.5 and bacteria has a particle size of 0.3 microns. Healthcare workers on the front line have so far been using N95 rated masks that have a particulate protection size of 0.3 microns; so the wearer can feel confident in their protection when using the K-Filter.

The nanofibers within the K-Filter are made from biocompatible hydrophobic material which are elastic and electrostatic, meaning they are highly breathable, flexible and will not become wet with water vapour from breathing, this also reduces the carbon dioxide re-breathing occurrence that is a problem among even medical grade respirators.

This is why the KYMIRA K-Filter has proven itself to be one of the most effective air filters in the world.

The K Mask:

Utilising a combination of KYMIRA fabric technologies, they have created the K-Mask. More breathable, more comfortable, and more effective using cutting edge design and technology.

The K-Mask is designed to house the Nanofibre K-Filter and is made from KYMIRA Kynergy infrared fabric. The infrared fabric offers the wearer temperature regulation, due it it’s efficiencies in cellular excitation and enhanced circulation. The infrared fabric itself supports the wearer to cool or warm, depending on need and provides a cooling effect as you inhale, helping you stay comfortable during use. To note, KYMIRA KYnergy infrared fabric is safe to use, certified by the FDA as a class 1 medical device and CE marked.

Designed for comfort, prolonged use and protection, the fit and design of the K-Mask is second to none. Available in sizes small, suitable for smaller or teen sizes and medium/large, the mask is designed to fit close to the wearer, high up on the nose and wrapping around the cheeks towards

the ears to provide greater protection to and from the wearer.

The extended sides offer pressure balance, so that it forces the inhale and exhale through the viral filtration, even with use at high exertion or during coughing or sneezing. This makes the mask ideal for not just everyday activities but for work, travel and playing sport too. The nose has a comfort strip underneath and a wired pinch bar so the wearer can ensure a close, comfortable fit, with attractive leather detailing. The straps fit around the head, fastening on the crown of the head and at the nape of the neck, providing comfort for long use that does not put pressure on the ears. The adjustable velcro fastenings and stretchy infrared fabric ensure the fit is close to the individual wearer. The close fit offers another ideal benefit, it reduces the occurrence and severity of glasses steaming whilst both are in use.

Cleaning, Reusability & Replacements

The Nanofibre K-Filters offer the wearer 200 hours of viral, bacterial and pollutant filtration protection. Once this time period is completed, the filter can be replaced with a fresh filter and the protection will continue.

The masks and filters can also be cleaned and reused during this 200 hour period. The masks and filters can be baked in the oven at 60 degrees and this will ensure that all trapped virus and bacteria particles are killed. The mask itself is also machine washable at 30 degrees. so it can stay looking fresh and clean (please note the filters should not go through the washing machine, unless your goal is to collect the pollutants in the washing machine itself).

The Nanofibre K-Filters can be used in the KYMIRA K-Mask, or any other reusable mask to increase the efficacy of any mask you have.

KYMIRA are pleased to have launched the K-Masks with Nanofibre K-Filters for pre-order, fulfilling from the end of September. These are available from the KYMIRA Sport and KYMIRA Medical websites and priced at £30 RRP.

The Nanofibre K-Filters will be available to purchase separately in packs of 5 in October and are available for business volume orders. KYMIRA is delighted that its first business order will be to the Cedars Sinai hospital in the USA.

“Given everything that’s been happening, we really pushed ourselves to create an effective filtration medium, and I’m very excited to say that we not only managed to do this, but also make one of the best filters on the market! We always strive to achieve the maximum performance from our products, so you always know that with KYMIRA you’re getting the best quality and performance, backed up by rigorous scientific evidence. We’re very happy with these masks, and I hope you will be too. Stay safe!”. Phil Kunovski – CTO of KYMIRA

We mentioned how the K-mask matched up to the N95 but please see the graph below for a deeper look into how the K-mask matches up to masks currently available.

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