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Life Planning

Your life – is it turning out the way you expected? Are you fulfilling the life you dreamt of? Our lives may take twists and turns unimagined and our paths meet with people unforeseen, though is there a flow to your life that is taking you in the direction you desire?

Whilst the finer details of our life expectations may vary from one person to the next, the majority of us seek some basic needs – nourishment, shelter, safety, good health, love, friendship, fulfilment, a sense of belonging and contribution, perhaps a feeling of independence and that we have some control. How we fulfil our particular needs and colour in the picture will contrast from person to per- son, and can change direction often through the course of each lifetime. Aside from having our basic needs met, what is it that gives us a feeling of independence and control? Not control in the sense of overpowering others, though more in the sense of feeling that we can help shape and direct life in the way we want it.

Although it has often been said that money cannot buy happiness, whilst we live in a society that uses money as an exchange of energy, the majority of us perhaps would like just that bit more – please! Financial abundance can help contribute to a feeling of independence. There are many paths to help achieve financial success, and provide more in our bank balances, though quite often these paths lead to unbalance in other areas. We may work our socks off and enjoy greater remuneration, yet have no spare time or energy to enjoy the fruits of our labours. We may plan and regularly save for our futures though not have enough to enjoy the now. We work, we get paid, we live, we save, we plan – all of this on a linear basis. Unless we have an independent source of income, what happens if one day we cannot work? How long will our nest egg support us?

There is another way; it’s been around for some time now, and has been adopted by many companies as an ethical and sound basis for helping create financial freedom and healthier life balance. It is an ethical system in that there is no glass ceiling, the system thrives on the basis that people help each other, the product or service offered should be of good quality, and whilst you can’t sit back on your laurels and let others do the work for you, if you are prepared to partake, work, share with integrity, there are no limits to what you can achieve. You dream your dream and go for it! There is no particular skill or qualification needed other than an open mind, a friendly manner, a willingness to learn, integrity, and a commitment to partake in your own success.

The system is simple in that it is easy to follow – follow and learn in the footsteps and with support from people who are already achieving success. That is not to say it is easy – there will be challenges, and learning curves, though stick with it and you will become a richer person, not only in the monetary sense, though through your own personal development, by contributing to the success of others, and your inevitable sense of fulfilment. In the long run you will evolve a life of financial freedom and independence, which in turn buys you the precious time you deserve to enjoy the people and life you love.

There are many companies adopting this model of working. Here are just a few. Take a look, and contact if you’d like to know more without any obligation on your part. Each company, whilst offering a different product, provides the opportunity and tools for building financial security.

Energetix – contact –

Arbonne – contact –

Jeunesse – – contact –

It is illegal for a promoter or a participant in a trading scheme to persuade anyone to make a payment by promising benefits from getting others to join the scheme. Do not be misled by claims that high earnings are easily achieved.
