Rules for a successful job interview: 7 best tips from the experts

It takes a lot of hard work to get the job you want. It consists of a large number of actions. The first step is to write a good resume, and then you need to find a marketplace where companies look for candidates. It is best to trust a proven resource; you can find a lot of job opportunities at Jooble aggregator. It is a modern platform where thousands of job openings from more than 70 countries are gathered and constantly updated. Students without experience and professionals with high qualifications can find jobs here. 

How to make a good impression at the interview: TOP 7 effective tips

Suppose you have already sent your resume to a potential employer, and he invited you for an interview. In that case, it does not mean that everything is done. It means that you have only passed the first stage. Together with the experts of job aggregator Jooble, we decided to help you with the issue of competent preparation before the interview to create a positive impression and get the selected position. 

1: Work on your appearance.

A presentable appearance is a given for many companies. Therefore you need to think carefully about this issue before the interview. Some firms may recognize a more casual dress format. If you don’t want to go wrong, wear standard business attire to create a positive impression during the interview. 

If you talk to a recruiter before the interview, ask about the dress format. If you don’t know who to ask, it’s worth researching the company itself. Also, worry about the little things: clean shoes, tidy hands and nails, fresh breath, and pleasant perfume. Show your moderation in body language and keep a friendly smile.

2: Arrive on time for your interview.

It’s best to get there 5 to 10 minutes before your scheduled time. There is no excuse for being late for an interview. Try to arrive 10-15 minutes before your scheduled interview to demonstrate your professionalism and punctuality to avoid any problems. It will also help you come to your senses before the interview and eliminate nervousness.

Make a route to the office in advance to arrive on time. Particularly meticulous, you can make a test run to your destination. If you use public transportation to get there, think of an alternate route. Also, if you arrive early, take advantage of the extra time to observe office life.

3: Research the company.

Learn everything about the company you want to apply to. Be sure to research the people who will be interviewing. Understanding key information about the company and knowing the interests of the people questioning will give you more confidence in the interview. Research the firm’s virtual website, official social media pages, and newspaper articles to get a clear idea of the company’s purpose and why they should hire you.

4: Research common interview questions.

The first step is to prepare an answer to the most popular question: “Tell us about yourself? How do you see your role at our company?” The point of this question is to give a quick answer about how you will benefit the company and what your value as a specialist is. It’s a kind of little presentation of you as an employee. 

You probably won’t anticipate all the questions the interviewers may ask, but you can prepare yourself for common questions. Keep it as brief and concise as possible, but you shouldn’t express your own opinion in just one word-your point of view should be correctly stated and complete. We have collected some of the most relevant and common questions, the answers to which should be prepared in advance:

  • Tell us about your job successes and failures. What would you change about your decisions?
  • What motivates you to keep working?
  • Why did you choose this particular position? What attracts you to this job?
  • What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?

The jobseeker can also ask questions during the interview. You can ask what the company is looking for in a candidate and what the potential employee should be. If you are interested in the schedule, you should not ask this question in the first interview.

5: Prepare thoroughly.

The day before the interview, you should make several copies of your resume, list of references, and portfolio (if necessary). Also, take a pen and a notebook for notes for the interview. Switch your cell phone to silent and vibrate mode or turn it off altogether. Also, ignore all distractions: no chewing gum, no coffee cup, and no constant glancing at your watch.

During a job interview, interviewers often ask about a particular job you did in a concrete position. As you study the job description, think about your duties in your past position, volunteer organizations, and other places. It will help confirm sufficient qualifications and work experience.

6: Remain yourself and be genuine.

Jobs go to those who remain optimistic, sincere, confident in their own abilities, honest, and talk clearly on substance. A great interview is a process of sharing, so feel free to ask your questions, remembering that you are interviewing with the company. Savvy jobseekers put to queries as they come up throughout the interview in conjunction with pre-drafted questions. Listen to whoever is taking the interview rather than figure out what to say next.

You can easily build a rapport with the employer with as much honesty as possible. To make the interview easy and fruitful, keep optimistic body language and a smile on your face.

7: Thank the interviewer for the interview.

Don’t forget to thank the interviewer for the interview. It is not only a rule of etiquette, but it also allows you to create a positive impression. Thank the recruiter personally before you leave. Also, be sure to take a business card or email address, so you can send a thank-you letter within 1 day of the interview. If you interviewed with the company in the morning, the letter should be submitted the same day. If you are interviewed in the afternoon, write the letter the following morning. You also need to make sure that the email is different from the others. Use notes from your own notebook that you made during the conversation to write it. 


By following all of the above recommendations, you will be in great shape to successfully pass the interview and get the position you want. After thorough preparation, you can go to the interview with a clear conscience.

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Our Editorial Team are writers and experts in their field. Their views and opinions may not always be the views of Wellbeing Magazine. If you are under the direction of medical supervision please speak to your doctor or therapist before following the advice and recommnedations in these articles.

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