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Slow down the wear & tear of ageing!

Sufficient collagen levels in the body are essential for the maintenance of healthy joints, connective tissue, skin, nails and hair. Our bodies produce collagen naturally but they also break it down constantly too. Unfortunately, as we get older our bodies lose the ability to produce sufficient amounts of collagen and our reserves therefore start to deplete. From their mid-20s onwards the average person loses 1.5% of their collagen reserves annually; a process that accounts for many of the symptoms of wear and tear and the ageing process. Skin loses elasticity causing fine lines and wrinkles to appear, aches and pains may develop, and hair and nails may lose their strength and shine.

Collagen constitutes between 25-30% of all the protein in the human body. It is a major structural protein which forms molecular chains that strengthen the tendons and large strong sheets which support the skin and internal organs. It is also a major element of our hair and nails, whilst mineral crystals added to collagen make bones and teeth.

Structurally, collagen is composed of three chains, which are wound together in a tight triple helix. Each chain is over 1,400 amino acids long and a repeated sequence of three amino acids, proline, glycine and lysine make up this sturdy structure. Vitamin C is vital for the cross-linking of the three chains and this is what gives the structure its strength.

Collagen constitutes 1-2% of muscle tissue and accounts for six percent of the weight of strong, tendinous muscles. Known as ‘the glue that holds the body together’, it provides an essential structure to our bodies, protecting and supporting the softer tissues and connecting them with the skeleton. Collagen in healthy tissue is very strong and, on weight basis, is almost as strong as steel.

The good news is that supplements, such as Collagen Hydrolysate by Xenca, can help to alleviate the symptoms of ageing and wear and tear. It is worth noting that the Xenca collagen products have been certified as safe for use by elite athletes by the world renowned HFL Sports Science Laboratory. These products are already being used to aid recovery from injury and hard training sessions.

Increasingly more people with conditions, such as osteoarthritis, are deriving benefits from Collagen Hydrolysate in terms of pain relief and increased mobility in joint function.

Nigel Dacombe
Associate Shareholder


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