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At-Home Service Launches As NHS Reveals 2M Hositalised Due to UTI


A revolutionary new service has launched to tackle the staggering number of UTI-related hospital admissions in the UK. 

The Rightdose Self-Test & Treat service, in collaboration with Newfoundland Diagnostics, empowers individuals to test and treat UTIs from the comfort of their homes, combining the ease of at-home testing with the convenience of ordering necessary medication straight to their door.

The launch comes as NHS England data revealed a concerning trend, with almost two million hospital admissions in the last five years caused by UTIs or were found to have a UTI after being admitted for another reason.

Winter and the festive season also see UTI cases rocket as stress, an unhealthy diet, alcohol, dehydration, not urinating often and scented products such as the bath bombs and shower gels gifted at Christmas, can cause or aggravate infections. UTIs are so prevalent, it is estimated that nearly 50 percent of women will experience UTI at some point in their life.

Without treatment, a UTI can cause a number of serious complications such as kidney infections, which without treatment, can travel through the bloodstream, causing sepsis.

Developed by BHA Medical in partnership with Rightdose Pharmacy – the online pharmacy – and Newfoundland Diagnostics – the UK’s leading provider of at-home tests, the service’s launch marks a milestone in healthcare accessibility, enabling individuals to manage UTIs conveniently from home, reducing the strain on NHS resources and bypassing the need to consult a GP or medical professional for immediate treatment.

How to use Rightdose Self-Test & Treat

Using the service is very simple. First, order a UTI self-test from Rightdose Pharmacy (RRP: £15 for 3x tests), scan the QR code on the box to download and register with the ‘Rightdose Test & Treat App’.

Next, perform the test and verify your results – instructions are included in the test box. If positive, simply update in the app, select your medication and pay. Your medication will then be delivered straight to your door in 24 hours.

Michael Hough, Founder of BHA Medical, said “The Rightdose Self-Test & Treat App is a comprehensive health and disease management platform that revolutionises healthcare by reducing the need for in-person visits to medical professionals and introducing a new era of easily accessible and proactive healthcare.     

We are proud to launch this revolutionary new platform which has the potential to reduce the burden on the National Health Service in the UK and other medical systems around the world. With its intuitive interface and advanced technologies, Rightdose Self-Test & Treat empowers individuals to seize unprecedented control over their health and well-being.”

Kasim Gulzar MRPharmS, Pharmacist and founder of Rightdose Pharmacy, said “The Rightdose Self-Test & Treat App is a major benefit to the NHS and has the potential to reduce GP appointment waiting times. Pharmacies find themselves as the first port of call for many patients however find themselves limited as to what they can offer. 

Having the ability to treat certain conditions such as UTIs, using self-testing and a Patient Group Direction to prescribe medication by the Pharmacist if required, bundled into an easy-to-use app, without the need for a face-to-face consultation is ground-breaking for the NHS. It is empowering to the Pharmacy sector and most importantly to the health and well-being of the patient.”

Frederick Manduca, Director of Newfoundland Diagnostics, said: “The collaboration between BHA Medical, Rightdose Healthcare, and Newfoundland Diagnostics ensures a seamless user experience. BHA Medical develops technology, Rightdose Healthcare provides medication via PGD, and we offer rapid diagnostic self-tests, creating a perfect ecosystem.

“Through the service’s launch, we aim to empower individuals with the tools and knowledge to proactively manage UTIs, reducing unnecessary hospital admissions and easing the strain on healthcare resources. This launch represents a significant step towards a more accessible and responsive healthcare system, placing control over UTI management directly into users’ hands.”

Spotting UTI symptoms

  • pain or a burning sensation when peeing (dysuria)
  • needing to pee more often than usual
  • needing to pee more often than usual during the night (nocturia)
  • needing to pee suddenly or more urgently than usual
  • pee that looks cloudy
  • blood in your pee
  • lower tummy pain or pain in your back, just under the ribs
  • a high temperature, or feeling hot and shivery
  • a very low temperature below 36C

Common causes of UTIs include:

  • having sex
  • pregnancy
  • conditions that block the urinary tract – such as kidney stones
  • conditions that make it difficult to fully empty the bladder – such as an  enlarged prostate in men and constipation in children
  • urinary catheters (a tube in your bladder used to drain urine)
  • having a weakened immune system – for example, people with diabetes or people having chemotherapy
  • not drinking enough fluids
  • not keeping the genital area clean and dry


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