Your Health & Lifestyle Wellbeing Magazine

Author: Helen Prosper

  • The Importance of Telling Our Stories

    The Importance of Telling Our Stories

    Humans are natural storytellers.
Stories help us make sense of our world, and we need to be able to tell them.
 However, in our ever-noisier online world, actually finding someone to hear our story is getting increasingly difficult, and often, when we finally get a chance to share our story, it is met with an…

  • The Language of Touch

    The Language of Touch

    Having offered gentle touch to people of all ages, from preterm babies to the elderly, in many different settings, I remain constantly amazed and in awe of the effect that pure, simple, gentle touch can have on another person. For years I have sought to understand why. What is it about touch that can have…

  • A Touch of Gentleness…

    A Touch of Gentleness…

    A Touch of Gentleness is rippling through East Sussex bringing new solutions to our world addressing the disconnection, loneliness and isolation that has become so endemic in our society. Everyone needs to feel valued, heard, seen and cared about. A Touch of Gentleness offers people just that. Committed to bringing ‘connection touch and gentleness’ back…

  • Food and Mood

    Food and Mood

    We can all remember times when we ate too much and had to have a sleep, felt buzzed up on sugar or caffeine, felt weak or moody because we hadn’t eaten properly, or felt full of vitality having eaten some fresh nourishing food. It is plain to see that what we eat affects how we…

  • The Wonder of Lifelong Learning

    The Wonder of Lifelong Learning

    Our children have gone back to school and older students have gone back to university, so maybe now is a perfect time for you to also think about what you would like to learn. Learning is an amazing ability that humans have. It doesn’t start when you begin school, or indeed end when you leave…

  • What is creativity?

    What is creativity?

    Everyone has the ability to be creative. Being creative, or having creativity doesn’t mean you have to excel in the arts, it’s so much more than that. It’s about how we look for solutions to problems, our flashes of inspiration and our ability to come up with fresh ideas. We are all creative beings. “Creativity…

  • Embracing and understanding our emotions

    Embracing and understanding our emotions

    Each day we experience a whole plethora of different emotions, and in these confusing times as we transition out of lockdown, we may well be experiencing an intensified range. Some of our emotions may feel good and some not so, but whatever we may think about them all emotions are valid and useful. Emotions are…

  • Nourishing our relationships in this tricky time

    Nourishing our relationships in this tricky time

    “It is not our purpose to become each other, it is to recognise each other, to learn to see the other and honor him for what he is” Hermann Hesse Relationships may not always be a bed of roses, and just like a bed of roses they take constant time and commitment to remove the…