Your Health & Lifestyle Wellbeing Magazine

Can EFT help me through the coronavirus pandemic?

During this ‘certainly uncertain’ time of the coronavirus pandemic, the majority of us are feeling as if the rug has been pulled out from underneath us. Understatement no doubt! The effects of the virus are not only concerning for our physical health, though also the further reaching implications financially both in the home and wider economy. And we really don’t know how long the current crisis will continue, what the after-effects will be, and how long they will continue to impact. 

We are uncertain, scared, anxious, frightened, we feel low, we feel powerless. Yet we’re also witnessing some of the best of the best in human nature. Our sense of ‘we’re in this together-ness’ is emerging loud and strong. Then we feel empowered again, and hopeful, and we trust that we will come out the other side wiser and more resilient, and maybe with a renewed and fresh perspective and focus.

During our isolation many of us are searching, looking for answers, sharing news, sharing hope, sharing laughter, being more considerate and loving, catching up with each other, taking time for each other. Many of us are searching for ways to help keep healthy – what we can do to protect ourselves physically. We may look for ways to help us stay calm amidst the chaos, ways to help us feel empowered rather than powerless, ways to help ease financial uncertainties, new ways of working… our searching is far reaching.

As with most things in life, people are attracted to different ideas and what suits one might not suit or appeal to another. So our searches are personal to us, and we keep exploring until we find the things that resonate with who we are. Often one path leads to another, and another, and another…

Of the umpteen philosophies, courses, tutorials, videos, books, online information, therapies and expertise from which to choose out there, I’d like to pick just one for now to share that might be of interest if you’re not already familiar, and that is EFT. What is it, and how might it help us during this coronavirus crisis?

What is EFT?

EFT (the Emotional Freedom Technique or Therapy) is also referred to as ‘Tapping’. It is a practice based on both Eastern medicine and Western psychology, and can be used to alleviate both physical and emotional conditions. The theory is based on the fact that everything is made up of energy, including ourselves, and that ailments, both physical and emotional result from blockages or disruptions to our energy systems.

Rather than using needles as with acupuncture, tapping is done using the fingertips to gently tap on the various meridian points in sequence. This can be done alone, in a group, or with the guidance of a practitioner. 

How do I tap?

There are slight variations taught by different practitioners, though in the main a person is asked to first of all state or think about the condition, situation, or emotion that they want relief from or to clear, whilst tapping with their fingers of one hand on to a particular meridian point. This is often referred to as ‘the set up phrase or statement’. At this time, a person can rate the condition using a scale of one to ten, with ten being the most painful, or most concerning, and one being the least extreme. 

The set up phrase is basically a statement of the what’s what that a person wants to clear, coupled with an acknowledgment that even though this condition presently exists, the person is completely accepting of themselves, for example “Even though my back is causing me extreme pain right now, I completely love and accept myself’, or ‘Even though I am anxious because I am not earning money right now, I completely love and accept myself”. 

It might seem counterintuitive to state that one accepts oneself at the same time as one might be feeling extremely anxious and feel far from self accepting, though the statement is instrumental in helping a person ‘tune in’ to the very thing they need help with. The statement needs to be truthful, and it is normally stated three times whilst tapping on the first meridian point.

Once the set up phrase has been stated three times, then the sequence of tapping on the other meridian points in turn commences, whilst stating or thinking about the current concerns, for instance “my back is so painful”, “this pain”, “I’m worried”, “No money”, or whatever comes to mind that is particular to the concern. The words can vary, and it is best to use your intuition and state what comes to mind whilst continuing to tap in sequence. There are normally 8 or 9 meridian points used in EFT practice, referred to as a ‘round’. After a few rounds, one can again rate the particular concern on the one to ten scale to see if the pain, or anxiety has lessened. If not, then it is suggested to re-phrase a new set up statement. If the particular concern hasn’t lessened it could simply be that the set up phrase needs to be more concise, perhaps more detailed to tune in closer to the situation.

Does EFT work?

There are thousands of advocates of EFT throughout the world, and surely the best way to find out is to experience it first hand (no pun intended)! At worst it may be that it doesn’t work, however at best it can help free us from physical and emotional concerns in a non-invasive way, with only positive side effects!

Will it solve all ills? No, though it can help us cope with what life throws at us and help us remain calm and centred. It might not pay the bills if we’ve got money concerns, though by helping facilitate a calmer, clearer mind, it could help free our minds to find creative ways to generate a new income stream or take a new direction. It might not cure a physical condition, though it could ease the discomfort, or give us peace of mind over a troubling situation.

How can I find out more?

If EFT sounds of interest to you, then please do your research. Here are some suggestions for you:

Debbie Winstanley Ba (Hons) Psychology, MBSCH

Debbie gained a Degree in Psychology, then trained in Clinical Hypnotherapy at the London College of Clinical Hypnosis (LCCH) Imperial College London.  The LCCH was founded in 1984 and has helped to gain wide recognition of the value of Clinical Hypnosis over a vast range of medical, psychological and somatic problems. 

Amongst the many modalities that Debbie offers, EFT is one of them, and she is currently offering EFT sessions via Skype.

t: 01424 460096



Lorraine Butterfield – Spiritual Intuitive Therapist & Author

Lorraine is trained in many disciplines, with EFT being one of them. She co-hosts a ‘tap and chill’ workshop online.

t: 01323 893690 / m: 07885 690061



David Abel

Do you remember David & Sally Abel, from Northamptonshire, who were transferred from the Diamond Princess, which was quarantined near Yokohama?

David, many years ago trained as an EFT Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner, Serious Diseases, and EFT Trainer.

Problems breathing? Lung expansion? Then hear and watch David Abel as he introduces tapping on meridians to clear energy blockages and disruptions.


The Tapping Solution to many problems

Whether discomfort or pain, anxiety, distress, worry or fear, The Tapping Solution offer tapping exercises to cover a multitude of problems. Here are a couple:

A guided tapping meditation to support you in befriending your body

103 Disempowering Beliefs About Money and Success and How to Eliminate Them in Minutes! (free digital book)

Words: Lesley Hallows – East Sussex Publisher


  • Lesley Hallows

    Lesley has spent most of her career in the travel and customer service industry, as a cabin crew member flying worldwide routes for an international airline, which she has enjoyed immensely. She has held a keen interest in holistic and complementary therapies, and together with wanting to spend more time at home with loved ones, this has in turn led to a search for a new avenue in life. She became the East Sussex Publisher in 2012.