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Dr. Karen Pike Unplugged: Exploring Menopause Challenges

Did you know that more than 80% of menopausal women experience the various symptoms associated with Menopause? The transition, which is Menopause, begins anywhere between the age of 45 to 55. It’s when a person goes 12 months without experiencing a menstrual cycle.

There are also certain diseases that menopausal people are at a higher risk of developing, which include diabetes and heart disease.

About 1.3 million women become menopausal every year in the United States alone. Keeping this in mind, it’s only natural for women to be aware of the various challenges of Menopause and how to deal with them.

For this very purpose, we decided to have a conversation with Dr. Karen Pike to explore the many menopause-related challenges and how one can handle them. Dr. Pike is a medical professional who has been working tirelessly to help the women who go through Menopause.

Using her knowledge and expertise, she provides tips and useful information on her website, Simply Menopause, so that women around the world can go through the journey in a more peaceful manner.

As a menopausal woman, you might have a lot of questions, such as ‘Why are my breasts getting bigger after 50?’, ‘Is hormone therapy right for me?’, ‘How is perimenopause different from menopause?’, and beyond.

Click here to explore Dr. Pike’s website and have your numerous questions answered.  

Here is Dr. Karen Pike offering her valuable insight on what the multiple challenges of Menopause are and how they can be dealt with.

Interview with Dr. Karen Pike

Hello Dr. Pike! Thank you so much for all the imperative work you do to educate individuals about Menopause and for agreeing to sit down with us to discuss the many menopause-related challenges.

We look forward to having an informative and enlightening discussion with you today.

Question: Is it common to experience vaginal dryness during Menopause?

Dr. Pike: Thank you so much for having me! I’m delighted to be here. To answer your question: Yes, vaginal dryness is a common symptom during Menopause. This is caused due to reduced levels of estrogen and progesterone.

Many women also experience a lower sex drive as they go through Menopause. Sexual activities are a way to deal with vaginal dryness as they help lubricate the vagina and also keep vaginal atrophy at bay.

Question: Are there any food items that can worsen menopausal symptoms?

Dr. Pike: Yes, there are. Hot flashes, mood swings, and night sweats are some common symptoms of Menopause, and they can often get worse with certain foods and beverages. This is why I ask menopausal individuals to avoid alcohol, caffeine, and spicy and sugary foods.

I would also suggest that you maintain a diary where you can jot down your symptoms. Every time you feel that consuming a certain food or beverage is worsening your symptoms, either avoid it completely or reduce its consumption.

Question: We often hear that exercise can help in combating menopausal problems. Is that true?

Dr. Pike: Yes, exercise can surely help in many ways when you’re trying to feel better while going through Menopause. When you engage in regular exercise, it decreases your stress levels, helps you sleep better, makes you more energetic, and makes your bones and joints healthier.

Exercise also contributes to reducing the risk of many diseases that menopausal individuals are susceptible to, including osteoporosis, obesity, stroke, and heart disease.

Question: Women often complain about having sleep problems when they are menopausal. How do you think they can handle this issue?

Dr. Pike: Hot flashes and night sweats are some of the reasons that cause sleep problems during Menopause. Try some breathing and relaxation techniques, as they can help you sleep better.

Indulge in stress-relieving practices before going to bed, such as reading, taking a bath, and listening to calming music. It also helps if you go to bed at the same time every night.

Question: Since you spoke about night sweats, what are some of the ways in which one can minimize the possibility of experiencing them?

Dr. Pike: Night sweats, in addition to being uncomfortable, can disrupt your sleep cycle.

You can minimize them by keeping your bedroom cool at night and using a mattress and pillow that are created using cooling gels. Make sure that the clothes you wear to bed are made up of breathable materials such as linen and cotton.

Yet another way to avoid night sweats is by staying away from trigger foods such as caffeine and spicy food items.

Question: What are the dietary changes you would recommend so that one can handle the various menopausal challenges?

Dr. Pike: One of the first things I would suggest in terms of diet is to not skip your meals, as skipping meals or irregular eating can worsen menopausal symptoms and also make it difficult to manage your weight.

Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables, and eat foods that are rich in phytoestrogens, such as tofu, soy products, beans, and sesame seeds. Drink anywhere between eight to 12 glasses of water every day and reduce your intake of refined sugar and processed foods.

Remember to eat foods that are rich in proteins, such as eggs, fish, meat, dairy, nuts, and legumes.

Question: We know that a person’s mood gets majorly affected during Menopause. Are there any simple suggestions you have to uplift one’s mood as they go through this transition?

Dr. Pike: I do have certain suggestions that are not only fairly simple but quite efficient and can help improve your mental health during this crucial period of your life.

If you have been experiencing mood swings and anxiety, I would suggest looking into counseling. Many people witness intimacy issues at this time while their body goes through changes. Speak to your partner about these concerns and maybe even explore new ways of being intimate with them.

Taking up new hobbies can help you gain a fresh perspective during this period. You can join a club of your choice or even try out volunteering.

Believe me when I say that Menopause doesn’t have to be a time of difficulties because even the simplest things can help you go through it in a relatively smooth way.


Going through Menopause is difficult as it is, and it can be even more difficult if you have to experience it without being aware of the symptoms and challenges.

With the expertise of a reputed medical professional such as Dr. Karen Pike, menopausal individuals can keep themselves informed about the symptoms of Menopause and how to effectively deal with them.

We sincerely hope that you find this conversation helpful so that not only can you apply the suggestions to yourself but also help your fellow menopausal friends and acquaintances in the process.


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    Articles written by experts in their field. Our experts are sharing their knowledge and expertise, however their opinions and ideas may not be the opinions of Wellbeing Magazine. Any article offering advice should be first discussed with their GP before trying any treatments, products or lifestyle changes.