Sophia Brown – Founder of Bristol Steppin Sistas Stepping Forward

Sophia Brown leads the Steppin Sistas walking group a vibrant community initiative that promotes health, wellness and unity. The group embodies the spirit of togetherness, as they stride together towards a healthier future, one step at a time.

Sophia Brown

Latest news

This year is going be a little different for my walking group, as I have received so many emails from different organisations offering to support Bristol Steppin Sistas with great opportunities which involve First Aid Survival weekenders – Outdoor pursuits, offered through Remote Pre Hospital Training, Peter Cook is the main training facilitator and managing Director, who has so far offered Bristol Steppin Sistas the opportunity to reach a great potential, we have attended 5 weekenders with Peter and his team at different locations in the South West and Wales.

Peter Cook and Sophia Brown

More support has been offered through Self- defence Classes run by Shelim Ali, Bristol who has trained all ages for over 25 years in Martial Arts. Especially for young people at present, Shelim is doing some great work promoting his “Knives Down, Guards Up Campaign”

Shelim Ali & Sophia Brown

And that’s not all, we have two walks per month planned for this year, and two fundraiser walks, one will be the first week in May, The South Coast – St Ives to Padstow and the other in October – Hadrians Wall. Sometimes it a great opportunity to be self sufficient, as I cant always rely on funding. Our coach trips will be cut this year due to lack of funding.


Also six members will be travelling to The Netherlands in June for a 4 day walking break

We will also be involved with the Bristol Walk Fest 2024 and the North Somerset Walk Fest 2024 – the free walks will be open to all over 18.

We will continue to collaborate with other walk and wellbeing groups including Wales Outdoors throughout the year and become more involved with events inside and outside of Bristol.

All our events can be found on the Eventbright booking website.


I have thought about moving over to a charity, and after deep thought I have decided to stay as a non-profit as I would like to keep full 100% ownership of the group or maybe think about C.I.C.

I would like others to understand that my group was built through passion, it’s not about making money through agendas, there’s a real meaning behind the group just being for Black Women/Women of Colour, sometimes I find it difficult to explain these reasons or others can sometimes find it hard to understand, which I tend not to manifest stress through this especially as I mention – Breaking barriers so I just carry on believing in myself and supporting the community authentically. On our first and last walks back are inclusive to all over 18s regardless of their background – all are welcome.

See you very soon 

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