Sovereign WELL-Beings

Appreciating life as simply-being beautiful and whole and complete as described by Dr James Lovelock his Gaia Hypothesis and earth’s natural rhythm and boundaries as she beats with her own soul. ‘Anima Mundi’ translated in Latin as ‘the soul of the earth. How do re reclaim and re-embrace a healthy story enriching our communities with Sovereign Truth as we all Sovereign spiritual beings designed to be WELL-Beings.

‘The Well of our being’ I first termed this phrase when I launched my business with a Podcast – Living Well in 2021 bringing together community leaders from across our community during the Global Covid Pandemic.

After 21 years in local government and working in Business and Community organisations I ventured on my own as a Sovereign Well-Being. We measure success with Gross Domestic Product although I see this as Gross Global Extraction. After 3 years in business last year, I wrote my first book, yes, I am well underway in my second book something about Sovereign WELL-beings. My love for all things Wellbeing started as a young boy, fortunately finding two beautiful parents who both loved to cook, Dad was a trained Dietician in the Royal Airforce and a Mum who was kind, loving and would also listen to my feelings.

Back to my book that I launched last year, a reflection of my life and falling in love with Country and a Ancient culture, the oldest on Earth something Australia should embrace more, as the world needs this wisdom. Gratitude on Country; a cry for a simpler life.

The book theme is simplicity, stewardship and natural alignment to Earths rhythm with some cool stories of my life and great resources to use with everyday Aussies. Oh yes, I also call on Australia to act its age and embrace Sovereignty buying into the Australia Day debate and bring a political neutral no agenda attempt to lean into the best day possible. Gratitide on Country Day, was recognised by the world at the United Nations General Assembly, New York, 9th August, 1992. A peak after peak oil failed to arrive but a greater awareness of climate change and caring for land and sea by First People of the world. My favourite band played; Yothi Yindi their song ‘Treaty’ at the launch.

Today we see one big tree emerging across the Global economy and society, yet what I believe is we all Sovereign WELL-beings and my love for all things Yin, yoga, Ayurveda, reading, walking, swimming, bicycle riding, gardening and so much more available to participate in life! Oh yes before Government I worked for ‘Life. Be in it’ a great Australian health promotion program that encouraged all Australians to be into life and be active. Community Recreation was the focus of the 1970’s today we see a Leisure and Wellbeing industry emerge. This zest for life is vitally important for all Australians to stand as Avatars. Oh yes that is another view I have; we all have the ability to be Avatars – this anchoring heaven into earth. Holding frequency and a projection of love to all humans is vitally important as we struggle to stay in the Holocene period – comfortable temperatures for humans to exist and grow healthy food as challenging weather patterns of floods and heat wave conditions continue to change across Mother Earth. The wellbeing industry will play an important role across our communities as this weather pattern will not change for the foreseeable future if anything will deterioate.

The value of health is a fundamental right, a sovereign right much like food and water sovereign rights for people and planet.

This month I completed my first online course The Sovereign Self ( as I travelled across India participating in some volunteer work and completing another Yoga course. This year I have relocated to England to partake in a Masters of Regenerative Economics and my love of green economics, personal development and wellness that will form part of my study focus. Schumacher College, named after EF Schumacher the author of ‘Small is beautiful’ book with world leading academic staff in the field of Sustainability and Regenerative practices. I was fortunate to be accepted into the Master’s Program.

Golden Wisdom to share as this magazine regularly features for readers, my summary below.

Stay Well in your inner Being folks.

Seeking Wisdom from within.

Wisdom is to seek wholeness and step into what will serve as best for all to grow, wellness is the cornerstone of how we evolve. The well of our being. Are we not made of mostly water, this includes the mother ship, planet earth! To arrive at Wisdom in life is to embrace the concept that we are born free every day. What worked yesterday reflecting on how did my healing and wellbeing rituals serve me and how can I do better or how can I be consistent at my wellbeing rituals, routines and learn more tomorrow about the habits that will cultivate more healing and wellness in my life. Wisdom begins to settle into our consciousness and soul we won’t want to return to the old way believe me as the frequency and vibration will remind you!

Structuring wellbeing into your life.

A healing practice that First Nations culture lore is much about how we should structure and create rituals that allow wellness to form part of work rest and play. If our physical, emotional and spiritual routines align to the sovereign nature of earth and the unique sovereign imprint of who we are we thrive and align to the earth and expanding universe and I believe if enough of us do this we won’t become extinct. It’s simple really, we all have the potential to be Avatars!

Cultivating Simplicity.

Technology advancement has allowed people to travel light, live with the value of breath and seek truth in all parts of one’s life. How we transform the next generation to live with a regenerative mindset across Business, Life and all parts of life will bring humanity to a new day. Mother earth would be delighted to continue to provide home for humans during an interesting period at present within the Holocene period of Earth’s history. Bring on a emerging mind-heart set!

Written by: Craig Cooper – Living WELL

Craig has two up and coming Men’s Wisdom and Wellness Workshop in the USA before commencing his Masters on the South Coast of Devon, United Kingdom.

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Our Editorial Team are writers and experts in their field. Their views and opinions may not always be the views of Wellbeing Magazine. If you are under the direction of medical supervision please speak to your doctor or therapist before following the advice and recommnedations in these articles.

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