Stories of transformation – Master Sha helps with feelings of anxiety and powerlessness.  

Cenly Wong Master Sha Tao Healing Hands

Cenly Wong

How Master Sha gave a new lease of life to Cenly Wong through Tao Healing Hands.

Tao Healing Hands is a spiritual transmission that can help prevent and heal illness, create harmony in relationships, enhance finances and business, and guide users to fulfil their true potential. It helps people from all over the world – people like Cenly Wong.

All her life, Cenly Wong suffered from depression and suicidal thoughts, and, in 2016, after being hospitalized six times in one year, she no longer felt able to care for her four boys. Cenly felt like she was no longer in control of her own life and wanted to take back that control. Initially drawn to the Da Ai calligraphies, Cenly found Master Sha and Tao Healing Hands through the teachings of Master Teacher Christine Battelo. She is now living an empowered life.

Cenly Wong says, “In 2016, it was like my life was plunged into complete darkness, and I was hospitalized 6 times for suicidal attempts. For years, I was misdiagnosed with depression, and I had to take medication that was not working. I could not see light at the end of the tunnel until I became a Tao Healing Hands practitioner and, when I did, I felt like I was finally able to switch the lights on again.

I offer myself Tao Healing Hands blessings to balance my emotions, and I have noticed a big shift straight away. I feel I can regulate my moods and stay grounded. This was particularly helpful when the pandemic hit as I no longer felt powerless and overwhelmed by negative thoughts and emotions.

It was Tao Healing Hands that helped me connect deeper with Tao – the source and creator of all life. I feel more empowered than ever and want to help others to connect to the power of Tao.” 

Tao Healing Hands has roots in spirituality whilst helping to prevent and heal illness and anxieties.  Practitioners, like Cenly Wong, use Tao Healing Hands to help themselves and others transform their lives, to release stress and pain, to find happiness, and to discover new abilities and greater potential.

Everyone and everything has a frequency and vibration, and users of Tao Healing Hands can transform negative messages within that cause challenges in every aspect of life to positive healing messages. It works because the high frequency and vibration carry the Tao qualities of unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion, light, and more.

Be empowered and learn more about the transformational abilities by joining the Tao Healing Hands Course with Master Sha.

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