Why bring superfoods into your diet?
Why should we consider the superfoods as part of our daily diet? When we are constantly bombarded with information on healthy food products, we may not realise when a truth comes through. The truth sometimes gets lost in all the hype and we may miss something that could greatly enhance our lives. Superfoods are different from other healthy foods because they are exceptionally high in nutrition, and are wholefoods. This means they have a whole spectrum of nutrition that has a complete synergy with the human body. For example the Hemp seed has the perfect ratio of the essential omega oils 3,6 and 9. The body cannot make these oils, and they are essential for good health and brain performance.
The body receives a clear message from a wholefood as it delivers the nutrients directly, unlike the isolated components put back together in a multi vitamin supplement. In a wholefood the natural synergy is preserved and the body recognises this automatically. The superfoods provide the body with increased energy. Natural stimulants give you increased energy without dropping you like a stone a couple of hours later. Raw cacao is a natural stimulant that stimulates the natural ‘feel good’ chemicals found in the human brain. The intrinsic properties of the superfoods are transferred to us through the assimilation of the energy of the plant. Often hardy plants, that are able to withstand adverse weather conditions and survive against all the odds, they ultimately transfer their intrinsic qualities to us.
Maca, a Peruvian root vegetable, grown in the high altitudes of the Andes, survives the frost, wind and intensive sunlight. Maca transfers the vibrations of strength and stamina in a stable and grounding manner. It is an adaptogen, meaning that it gets to the root of the disharmony in the body and restores balance.
In the morning when I feel like an energy boost, I reach for Spirulina and Hemp protein to set me up for the day. Spirulina, one of the oldest life forms on earth, boosts our immune system and protects us from the many toxins directed at us in our modern world. Whenever I feel that afternoon drop, I reach for a hot Maca and Cacao Hemp milk and I feel nourished and energised. Emotionally balanced and grounded with a new energy release to carry on with the demands of my life. The best thing about the superfoods for me is the way they work holistically. Physically, they feed our cells, emotionally, they balance us, mentally, they fine-tune us and spiritually they re-connect us. Health & wellbeing is interrelated to all our levels. The superfoods nourish us on all our levels.
I could go on for pages reeling off the nutritional values of the superfoods, as there are so many, however relating my own personal experience of discovering how they have enhanced my being, seemed more exciting. Discovering what works for you individually is crucial because we are all made differently and have unique needs. It has taken me years to tune into my body and its needs. Now I know how certain foods make me feel physically, emotionally and mentally. I avoid them and increase them according to these signals and I know what my body performs best on. At the root of all wellbeing is a connection to nature and relating to the plant kingdom in this special way is a direct connection to nature. Connecting with superfoods is connecting to nature. Becoming your own guide and teacher to yourself is the best way to go.
I have only mentioned four of my favourites that I have welcomed gratefully into my life. Life is full of challenges and often at an increasing pace. Make friends with the superfoods to assist you in all your daily challenges and for peak performance in all your tasks and creative pursuits. And it’s easy! By putting a teaspoon of the superfood into a smoothie or juice, you can easily add them to your daily routine. It’s great for children, as a mother of two, I used to constantly stress over getting nutrition into my fussy eaters. Now they have a breakfast smoothie with four superfoods and I can feel relaxed knowing they have eaten well every day.
We don’t need to dream of being a superbeing, we already are! We have just got to give ourselves the foods that bring out the super qualities of being a truly healthy human being. Invite the superfoods into your life and become a natural superbeing.
Written by Constandia Christofi. She runs ‘Brighton Naturally’ wellbeing lifestyle store at the Brighton Open Market, Marshalls Row, BN1 4JU – www.brightonnaturallystore.com
Come along and have a chat about superfoods and try a superfood smoothie or a raw chocolate for yourself!