Your Health & Lifestyle Wellbeing Magazine

GSN Builds Pioneering Ready Meals

Ready Meals is a phrase with a frustrating capacity to conjure up pre-conceived notions of convenience, bland, so-so flavours and calorific ingredient decks, which is simply tired, out-dated thinking.

Each perfectly proportioned Pot of Gold is designed to contribute to a healthy, high-protein lifestyle, with each meticulously packed pot using only high-quality protein from lean food sources.  Each and every one of the 19 pots enables health-conscious food fanatics hit their daily protein intake without loading up on unwelcome salt, sugar, fats and calories.  The addition of a best-selling Malaysian Curry, Chicken Korma, Salt & Pepper Chicken and a Mean Mexican Beef Chilli means that Pots of Gold is now a best-selling 19-strong range.      


Naturally convenience is a given, but Yorkshire-based GSN were adamant that their pioneering pots range, which started life supporting historically overlooked indie gym & leisure centre communities before supporting the growing legions of healthier living heroes working from home (B2C), would never skimp or cut corners in terms of tastiness or nutritional integrity. 

Today supermarkets, delis, garage forecourts, university campuses, airlines, armed forces barracks and even the NHS are liaising with this ambitious frozen food pioneer about their game-changing pots of high protein/low calorie joy that take only a miserly 6 minutes to prepare in the microwave.

According to Gold Standard Nutrition founder, Craig Allen, ‘We wanted to take the ‘lazy calorie’ stigma away from ready meals by showing that great taste and nutritional prowess needn’t be uneasy bedfellas.’


  • Ian Hills

    Ian Hills is an experienced food marketer and writer, a vocal champion for ‘amazing brands of tomorrow.’ The bigger Pilchard vision is to change the nation’s food & drink landscape for the better helping emerging ‘real food’ brands step out of the shadows and enjoy some positive attention they so richly deserve. Too many mediocre mainstream brands are living off past glories and historical low bars. Today’s consumer deserves so much more in terms of intriguing flavours, nutritional gravitas and sustainable, planet-friendly thinking.