Your Health & Lifestyle Wellbeing Magazine

Tag: wellbeing

  • Why stress can be damaging for your brain health

    Why stress can be damaging for your brain health

    It might seem obvious that stress is bad for your health; after all, who hasn’t had a tough day at work, and left feeling run down? But stress can also be bad for your brain, in terms of both mental and cognitive health. Chronic stress can result in changes to nerve structure, and even nerve…

  • The importance of touch

    The importance of touch

    Why Is Touch So Important? Touch is the only sense we cannot live without and is fundamental to the way we feel and the way we communicate and bond with people. It is vital to our health and wellbeing and affects both the giver and the recipient physiologically and psychologically. So let’s take a deeper…

  • Towards a sustainable NHS

    Towards a sustainable NHS

    “Dear Sirs, Towards a sustainable NHS The present NHS is financially unsustainable and no amount of increased funding will ever be able to meet the exponentially increasing demands on the system. We do not have a health service but rather a very costly but effective sickness service. The NHS is suffering from “bigness”. The consequences…

  • Simply good health

    Simply good health

    KISS – keep it simple stupid! I often wondered why it is that most professions make life complicated? Is it because most professionals really believe their work is extraordinarily complex and it will be too much to expect others to understand their work? Is it because they have been convinced that with their long training…

  • Unresolved emotions

    Unresolved emotions

    THE HAVENING TECHNIQUES® Have you ever struggled to face the world? Do you find it difficult to get through the day or night? Do you have memories that are not beneficial to you? Have you experienced or witnessed a trauma? The Havening Techniques® – a psych-sensory therapy – helps many people let go of negative…

  • Letting go of undesirable habits

    Letting go of undesirable habits

    A New Year, a fresh start, longer days, a desire to have a better year than the last, or at least improve some aspect of your life and wellbeing – January seems to be a good place to start! With the excesses of Christmas behind us we can look forward with some optimism. Though, when…

  • What has the microbiome got to do with good health?

    What has the microbiome got to do with good health?

    Gut Health: Unlocking the key to Great Health You are just ten percent human! And the rest of you……..? Well that is an entire ecosystem made up of over 100 trillion bacteria, fungi and microflora that live in and on you, known as the ‘microbiome’. Ninety percent of this microbiome resides in your gastrointestinal tract…

  • Beat fatigue with good posture!

    Beat fatigue with good posture!

    New Year’s resolution?…..How’s Your Posture? Your posture directly affects your health, and improved posture can lead to better well-being. Posture is the position in which we hold our bodies while standing, sitting or lying down. When your posture is bad it can increase pressure on your spine, which can lead to tension soreness, headaches, back pain…