The Importance of a Morning Routine 

“People do not decide their futures; they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures” – F.M Alexander

Are you waking up feeling lethargic, unenthusiastic and wishing you could crawl back into bed as your mind wonders about your day ahead? I’ve been there and I’m hoping I can help.

There’s a lot of talk on morning routines and why they’re important and to some it seems like it’s only reserved only for rich and famous. However, I truly believe that starting your morning right can be life changing. One of the most crucial factors for a morning routine is to increase your productivity, helps you concentrate and feel more energised, improve your mood, health & wellbeing. It can also provide a foundation for you to practice more discipline. Let’s discuss some habits you might want to add to your morning routine, to make your mornings great.

1. Make A Morning Plan

Start by creating a plan for your morning routine by writing down specific times that suits you and the activities you want to do. Don’t include a 1 hour run at 5am if you know you hate running and waking up early. Let’s be honest you will end up hitting the snooze button each morning and another day goes by where you haven’t committed to your morning routine. The main thing is to ensure not to waste time or procrastinate. Let me be the first to say your morning routine does not need to be 2 hours long. It’s personal to you and needs to consist of a routine that allows you to have the most efficient and motivated day possible, but also one you can keep and be consistent with. 

2. Get Your Body Moving 

Our energy levels can be low during early hours of the day. Consider adding some exercise to your morning routine. An excellent way to energize yourself is to perform physical activities. This could be anything from a morning jog or hitting the gym to get your heart rate pumping or yoga and Pilates. Morning movement allows you to feel more energized, focused, releases the much loved ‘feel good’ hormones and reduces stress. It also helps to increase your appetite for a healthy nutritious breakfast.

You can find some amazing anti-slip yoga mats here: 

3. Practice Gratitude

Rediscover the real meaning of your life with expressing gratitude. Try taking some time out during your morning to reflect on a few things or people that you are grateful for. Count your blessings rather than your problems and appreciate what you do have. Practicing gratitude improves your mental health and well-being by releasing dopamine and serotonin to uplift your mood. It also helps to create a positive mental attitude. You may consider getting a dedicated gratitude journal to write what you are most grateful for each day and every day. 

4. Positive Affirmations & Meditation

Adding some positive affirmations to your morning routine. Why? You should be your biggest motivator and your biggest fan. You can write down your strengths and talents, and all the wonderful things you want to manifest, and recite them to yourself daily. One simple way to do this is to stand in front of a mirror and say things like: “My life is full of abundance and happiness!”, “Good things are happening to me!”, “This is going to be a great day for me”. The more you do this you’ll begin to observe a notable boost in your self-esteem and confidence. You can also try this with some meditation. As meditation helps deal with anxiety and stress. It also enhances the ability to focus and improves mental & immune functionality.

5. Nutritional Breakfast

Breaking your fast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and you shouldn’t rub your body of important nutrients it needs in the morning. Eating a healthy breakfast that is wholesome and balanced helps you maintain a healthy metabolism, improves your concentration, and energises your body. Make breakfast a routine and challenge yourself to different breakfast options that you will look forward to each morning. Additionally, why not try something like Morning Complete, a daily wellness drink featuring a blend of nutrients designed to support regular digestive function, daily energy levels, and overall wellness?

Final Thoughts     

Some of you may not be morning people and dread the thought of a morning routine. To be frank I think morning routines are even more vital if you aren’t a morning person. Your morning routine can be as little as waking up 20 minutes to practise gratitude and positive affirmations and have a nutritious breakfast. Also remember your routine is personal to you and consist of things that bring you joy. Don’t feel pressured to throw the kitchen sink at it, you can alternate activities or time frames as you wish. 

I do hope this blog will help change your mind-set and allow you to make your morning the most effective and motivating as possible. There must be a reason why some of the most successful people adopt a morning routine in their daily lives. So, I urge you to include in your morning routine, things you enjoy, things that energises you and realises the much-loved feel good hormones. 

So, let’s start each morning with a positive mental attitude and I challenge you to #TakeTheJourneyWithMe

Lots of love,


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Our Editorial Team are writers and experts in their field. Their views and opinions may not always be the views of Wellbeing Magazine. If you are under the direction of medical supervision please speak to your doctor or therapist before following the advice and recommnedations in these articles.

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